View Full Version : Worry about digestive cancer?

02-02-16, 15:49
Hi all,

I suffer from HA and have taken a lot of support from reading articles on this site over the last few months. I wanted to share my storey on the off chance it might help some one.

I'm male, 35 years old living in the UK.

I grew up with a parent with HA and from the age of about 19/20 started suffering with excessive acid reflux and stomach/digestive problems. I visited the docs so many times over the years that i lost faith in thier diagnosis.

I was eventually put of acid blockers which helped for many years but by 2 years ago they seemed to fail and i was convinced i had osophigeal cancer. After consultation they identified a number of lumps in my gallbladder - you can imagen the conclutions i drew! but turns out they were only stones. Last feb i had a nissen wrap of the stomach and the gallblader out = great result and no problems for best part of a year.

Recently i started getting heartburn and intense localised stomach pain again into back and i made the mistake of consulting Dr G... he kindly let me know i have pancreatic cancer - in reality the hiatus hernia will have re occured (this can happen after surgery and just needs a fix) and IBS will be flaring up. I am at the consultants tomorrow and will update here.

The point i wanted to make is that beating HA is tough, you can be ok for months/years and it can still raise its ugly head - try to put the efforts you would put into researching cancer/etc into beating HA. Don't get me wrong i have still panicked and had full bloods / pancreatic blood test(s) done - all of which were clear no further action required. I am now determined to beat HA and booked to see a councillor - not easy for a big lug like myself.

Keep well and remember to breath x


06-02-16, 22:21
Thank you for this, I have digestive issues, reflux, HH and gastritis. I mainly have my HA under control for lengthy periods and times when I find it hard. When I've seen my doctor they just want to prescribe me antidepressants, which I refuse as I don't want to be reliant on another medication. I'm hoping to go private for CBT which I believe will help me.