View Full Version : Things are going downhill again

02-02-16, 21:14
I seemed to have a period where things actually got better. Indeed my initial issues were head pressure throughout the day, and body jolts and tremours when trying to fall asleep. This was about 3 months ago. At the time I was also obsessed with the difference in my pupils.

I was immediately prescribed 1mg of clnazapam, which later turned to 1.5mg with them saying I needed to see a psychiatrist, as my fears of brain tumor to them seemed unrealistic given I passed a full eye exam, brief neurons and blood tests were fine (and blood pressure).

Unsurprisingly the night time shaking disappeared, and a began to feel better except for the head pressure. This, too dissapeared after seeing a psychiatrist who added 25mg of serequel to the mix before bed.

What also happened was the clnazapam was reduced. Fast forward to now and I have tapered to about .5mg, and I'm feeling OK, but just now as I was having a nap, I noticed that as I was trying to I had the biggest shake/jerk in my arms ever; I thought someone pushed me! This has me terrified now, that these drugs may have just masked another problem. I also woke up with another headache yesterday but today its gone so crossing my fingers there are no issues there.

Should I be concerned there's something neurologically wrong? I feel like I'm backtracking again and I'm also concerned again about my pupil sizes, or is this all in my head (figuratively speaking of course). I'm just terrified.

03-02-16, 01:40

03-02-16, 02:08
Hi Xeno,

I'm not sure about your symptoms except that if you have anxiety, which you must because you're here, it can cause so many different physical symptoms and all of what you describe could be anxiety-related.

I sometimes get shake/jerks when I nap as well. I find it a bit scary too but I think it's not unusual. I don't know the reason for it but it may be something to do with being over-tired and going in or out of REM sleep too quickly. You may actually been dreaming and your body acted some movement from the dream out?

03-02-16, 04:13
Seems like that might be what it is... Also tapering the klonopin so maybe there's that as well which adds to the anxiety. I just really shook and it was quite alarmining for those 2 seconds in my arms.