View Full Version : Scared of the Doctor!

27-02-07, 13:03
Only just signed up here today, and as a part of "sorting myself out" I have made an appointment to see the doctor at 5:10pm. I am SCARED!!!! I have had a phobia about doctors for more than 5 years, and I really don't want to go.
Tried rationalising what exactly I am scared of... probably being told that I have some incurable condition that is completely unrelated to my anxiety and panic attacks I guess.
I know this is crazy since up until 3 weeks ago I was just fine, in fact lucky enough to not even have to consider visiting the surgery as the only things I've had wrong have been the odd cold.
I really WANT to see the doctor, because I am hoping that a) I will be reassured that nothing other than anxiety is wrong (although I suspect my blood pressure may be sky high as I seem to be on permanent red alert the last month) and b) that once I have been to see him, then I will realise that it's all good and that he's there to help and not be afraid of!
Of course, there is always c) that I will get some good advice, possibly some medication to help me feel a bit better (although I did want to stay off prescription drugs).
Had to stay home from work today, which is only the 3rd ever day I've had off sick in 18 years of full-time work, so really at end of my tether.
Anyone got any tips for keeping calm and actually making myself keep the appointment as I am very likely to cancel at the last minute!!!
thanks, Izzy xx

27-02-07, 13:30
hi izzy
sorry to hear you are having a rotten day but you must go to the doctors for reassurance honey.
If you have a printer, print out the contents of health anxiety to the right of this page and take it with you to the surgery and read it while you are waiting to be seen by the doctor (its under heath worries)
You will then remain calm and distracted, and im sure you will cope just fine
good luck xxxxxx

27-02-07, 13:44
Hiya Tracie
Thank you for that... I have printed it off just now. I started to read, but thought I had better keep some for the waiting room!
The thought that I will be able to pop a post up here when I get back is reassuring, and it is nice to know that I am not alone with my unfounded fears. xx

27-02-07, 18:04
I did it!!! I have only been registered on this site one day, and by reading all your couragous, positive and compassionate threads I gained the courage to set foot in a doctor's surgery after 8 years (I was told when I got in!).
Doctor really nice and recommended CBT and St Johns Wort. Plus lots of good advice about diet and exercise. I was worried about my blood pressure, but he said no point testing it today as I was anxious as hell. He said get one of those home ones from boots or to wait until I went again for my smear. (eeeeeeeeeeek, I think that will have to be next month, dont wanna overdo it!!) Glad I wrote stuff down, as although I could speak ok my mind was all over the shop.
Just by overcoming my WORST fear I feel so much better. I did lose my engagement ring though, as I have lost weight this month and it was already loose. I think I must have fiddled it off at some point :(
I know that because I have been worried all day I may get a bit shaky later, but for now I'm enjoying the feeling of being strong. Might even start reading Alan Carr...

27-02-07, 18:23
Oh well done Izzy :D :D :D :D

Well done, well done, well done, well done!!

Oh and by the way well done!!

Piglet :)

27-02-07, 21:04
Well done Izzy, the event is never as bad as the anticipation

28-02-07, 12:58
Naww! I'm so proud!. I myself really really hate the doctors and freak out when im there everytime! So congrats for going!!.