View Full Version : Can't remember

03-02-16, 06:32
I have fear that I will develop paranoid schiz for last 4 years...I have good and have bad days but something strange happened to me last 2 nights...I have a son who is 16 months and he often wakeup in middle of the night and my wife and myself transfer him from he's bed to ours.Last two nights I am alone with him and I woke up to see that he is next to me and I can't remember at all when I put him in my bed...now I started to think why I can't remember, am I loosing my mind....did I do something wrong/ bad to him....I feel very bad now so can anybody pls help

03-02-16, 06:56
Hi are you taking any meds ? I know that Setroline and citalopram can effect memory or very possible your so tired with a small baby you get up half asleep and do it automatically that's why you can't remember .I have 3 children and I know how tired you can get x

03-02-16, 07:57
Hi Kimy....thanks for your comment...no I don't date meds as I handle it quite well especially in last 1/2 year without it...this scared me as I never experienced such a thing before...I started to think what if I did something bad or could do it in a future...

03-02-16, 08:00
I'd say that having a 16 month old is exhausting and you just brought him into your room when you were half asleep and on auto pilot.

I'm sure you are a good Dad and he is perfectly safe.

03-02-16, 08:07
Shazamataz thanks...I am scared as this happened 2 nights in a row :(