View Full Version : Flea up my nose

03-02-16, 11:19
Please help, this has me very worried! I felt a flea go up my nose. I know it's a flea because we have a flea infestation here and nothing seems to work on the cat. I felt it going up my nose and crawling in. I blew my nose hard but never felt it come out. I used saline spray on my nose and still didn't feel it come out. I'm so worried I'll get sick from this. Please, anyone who's experienced this tell me I'm overreacting. :(

ben johnson
03-02-16, 13:15
all you have to remember is the nose is connected to your troat so it might of just gone down your troat, so there's probably nothing to worry about

03-02-16, 16:30
I just hope it didn't get stuck in my nose where it can rot and cause infection. :(

03-02-16, 17:51
Your body has ways to fight against this kind of stuff. It's kind of gross to say, but even if it ends up "stuck" somewhere it'll most likely just be broken down by your body.

As for the fleas, I know there's a million ways to fight them and you've probably tried them all, but you may have to treat your house/yard as well if you haven't already. Fleas can live a long time in an environment even without a host.

03-02-16, 18:27
One way or another your body will deal with it & expel it.
Have you used flea treatment prescribed by the vet? In bad cases the house has to be sprayed as well.
A bar of moist soap can be used to zap dozy fleas on the carpet or bottom of the furniture.

03-02-16, 18:57
We might have to go to the vet soon to take care of these fleas.

03-02-16, 19:02
Recommend you contact vet. They can prescribe stronger/more effective treatments than the ones available in the supermarket/pet shop.

03-02-16, 19:42
Recommend you contact vet. They can prescribe stronger/more effective treatments than the ones available in the supermarket/pet shop.

Our vet recommends Advantage II. They sell it at pet stores here. It's pricey but very effective and our Pixie Bob doesn't have a reaction to it. We've had to use it a couple of times on our boy. He likes to sit in the window during nice weather and he's gotten fleas/chiggers a few times. That stuff knocked them out in no time! BUT... definitely check with your vet.

Positive thoughts

03-02-16, 19:48
read up on getting rid of fleas from your home. They only go onto your cat to feed, they breed in your carpets and soft furnishings.

There are effective treatments to stop the life cycle available from your vet or on line pharmacies.