View Full Version : feeling like a fraud

27-02-07, 14:08
i dont know where to begin so im gonna babble it all out
right since i been on this site ive been self diagnosing myself and not having help from docs
the only thing i know is that ive got depression and now i diagnosed myself with ptsd since i been on here which i dont even know if i got that then i developed panick attacks and the doc gave me some serenace and more fluoxatine but in recent weeks ive beening sick which come and goes every so often , having headaches wich ive suffered with over the last two weeks the shakes and general feeling anxious all the time
i dont know what to do cus i think the docs think im a hypocondria and they told me to self help myself by coming on websites like no more panic and going the library to get books out
all i want is to be daignosed or told whats wrong with me amd fully recover
can any one give me advices and tell me what to do next

27-02-07, 22:39
Hi Bel,

I can't give you any advise Bel hun but I sure can give you a big massive hug to keep you going until you get the answers you are looking for hun. ((hug))x

27-02-07, 22:56
Oh babe dont take no notice from dr cribbin ...You know you need answers and to search is nout wrong !!! Iam doing the same at the moment i need to find the whats the ifs and the whys? We are all human mate and we dont make stuff up ,well i dont i was told today ive got dyspraxia ok so am i wrong to look it up? no and iam glad i did cause i know omg yep thats me.Babe go with your feelings if u dont feel right look deep and soul search the reasons (be true to yourself).. no doc after 5 mins will work it out will they?...good luck hunny i wish u all the best.
Mazz xxxxx

28-02-07, 01:46


Bloody docs eh...i know you've struggled a long time with this hun...Change ur doctor..and keep changing til you find someone who listens or complain to the medical board..they will listen then..
Don't let them make you feel that it is all in ur head hun...yes our thoughts r all in a bad way...but you have suffered huge trauma hun and you need to b referred to the mht....
ring them up yourself hun..your local Mental Health Team..tell them and tell them you want an assessment...try Mind..try anyone who will listen hun.
You r there for everyone me included..and i am so grateful to have you as a friend..
Your a great person..a dopey one like me but still a good un lol
Dont give up..yes it gets us down..but dont you dare give up..
That is no dif to what you say to me..
I'm always here for you..
Loves ya girlie

28-02-07, 03:12
Hi Bell,

I too think you need to change doctors. I would also go to a doctor, perhaps a psychiatrist or a counselor to discuss your depression/anxiety issues too. I do hope between the two you will feel better. Please keep us posted on your progress.

Love ya,


Granny Primark
28-02-07, 10:32
Hi bell,
Some good advice given on the posts.
See what happens on Friday when you go the drs and if your not happy see about changing drs.
Love yer loads sug,

Take care

28-02-07, 14:39

I wasn't happy until I got an official diagnosis from my doctor. To keep telling me I would be ok and to eat well and look after myself wasn't helping atall.

When he finally diagnosed Panic Disorder and depression I was relieved because then it had a name and I could do something about it.

Until you know that you are in limbo and never really sure what is wrong.

Certainly the doctor should be reassuring you more with this than he has.

28-02-07, 14:57
thanks everyone

nic but im so anxous at the mo and it driving me mad to be honest
yesterday when lynn came to see me she could tell i was on edge straight away and i still feel it today
i got appointment ith a doc on friday so hopefully i take one of my partners (daz)nan with me so they can help me explain cus i phone them every day and she helps me all the time
but it not fair on her if i keep ringing up at 12 -5 oclock in morning to try and settle me cus shes a 75 year old woman
so want to stop depending on her has much i want to be well and stuff and be me

28-02-07, 16:16
More hugs,
Don't you feel guilty for askn for help no matter what time of the day it is..and if she didnt care she wouldnt b there now would she?
Now when I first suffered my truama my doc insisted(o as well as me cos i couldnt go without him) that my ex partener b there too..
Was to give another persons perspective on things as sometimes our minds do get all muddled up..
I think docs sometimes focus on the anx too much and some just dont listen..Like Nic for 2 1/2 yrs i knew i had anxiety that was obvious but i also knew I had ptsd and wanted to b referred to get proper help but my GP kept saying "no ur doin ok as you r on ur own" WRONG...i did get my referral only after things hit crisis here n straight away I got my diagnoses of PTSD...
A good doc will take the time and actually LISTEN..COS WE ARE STILL PPL...yes it's our thoughts that drive us round the twist blah blah but we r still who we were just a wee more tender n needing support and understanding..
So write things down Bell, and nan too....b totally honest...any questions, things ye wanna say..write them down cos if you're like me..ul come out n say O I NEVER SAID THAT....and before anyting ask the doc if you can read out what you have written and take it from there...its a good place to start.
Tell them ur not happy with how you feel you are being treated n stuff..just say how it is hun..
Me loves ya loads hun..

02-03-07, 08:47
well i wrote questions down and the symptoms i have and im taking my health vistor with me in the room this afternoon so hopefully they will do something for me this time
wish me luck everyone and thanks all

02-03-07, 22:27
the heath visitor did good for me and i got a diagnose and now ive got anxiety depression and panick attacks
they have change my meds aswell
hopefully no i can start getting back on the mend now
thanks all again bellxx

03-03-07, 10:04
can someone tell me which posted to go on now ive been daignosed

04-03-07, 17:04
Hi Bell,

I'm so glad you have been diagnosed and know what you are dealing with. I think you can post either under anxiety, depression or panic or really anywhere you feel like. I also would suggest you take an advocate with you at all times to the doctor's office with you. It seems like it has made a huge difference. Good luck with the med change and I'll keep in touch with you.

