View Full Version : Honey and cinnamon

03-02-16, 12:30
Hi has anyone had any joy with Honey and Cinnamon

ben johnson
03-02-16, 13:07
yeah, its ment to bloat you up

03-02-16, 13:13
It's also meant to be VERY healthy.

ben johnson
03-02-16, 13:16
it is but you have to use fresh honey and fresh cimeman and it should make you feel full easier but to much is bad though

03-02-16, 13:21
I am trying raw honey and Ceylon cinnamon and see what happens!

ben johnson
03-02-16, 13:24
you will be able to tell if you have to much because you will be come bloated but it should be okay, if you have little often I think (but don't take my word for it)