View Full Version : Panic attacks and quitting smoking

Mrs Anxious
03-02-16, 18:07
So I have quit smoking cold turkey just over a month ago, I've found the whole thing really difficult for my anxiety and I also feel extremely depressed too, this is totally because of quitting, I always get like this and at the same time of The quit too normally to stop myself feeling so anxious I use light up again.

Last night I had the mother of all panic attacks... Not hyperventilating no this was different.... Very jittery, teeth shaking body feeling like its numb and even thinking I could hear a mans voice?? It really really shook me up and as a result I haven't been to work today and I just feel off, I am aware that I'm drifting if that makes sense, almost vacant?

I take 20mg fluoxetine daily and on occasion 2mg diazepam, last night I literally had a half of a tablet and the panic started :(

I'm worried I'm losing the plot and properly going mad.... I haven't been I work today and truthfully I didn't know what to say..... can anyone out there relate? Thanks x

03-02-16, 18:32
I quit smoking about a year ago when I had very low anxiety. Lasted about 6 months and then I started again. I know if I quit it would probably help my anxiety in the long run but I have it in my head that smoking is a stress reliever for me and I am scared to try quitting when my anxiety is so high like it is now. �� I feel for you!!!

Mrs Anxious
03-02-16, 18:42
I quit smoking about a year ago when I had very low anxiety. Lasted about 6 months and then I started again. I know if I quit it would probably help my anxiety in the long run but I have it in my head that smoking is a stress reliever for me and I am scared to try quitting when my anxiety is so high like it is now. �� I feel for you!!!

Thanks hun, I am really determined to ride it out this time,just hoping there's someone out there who has managed to stay quit with bad anxiety,fingers crossed x