View Full Version : Stomach Cancer fears update

03-02-16, 19:25
Well I've been on Fluoxetine/Prozac for a month tomorrow, and I have started to notice an improvement in mood and a decrease in anxiety, which is great. I'm starting CBT in March, which is also good - but I'm still really fearful of stomach cancer.

You see, I've not been eating properly, I've got a lot gas, nothing really seems appetising to me. I chew and my mouth is dry, and I find it hard to swallow the food because of this. I'm not in any pain, I have no heartburn, stomach or breastbone pain, just this constant state of not being very hungry. I'm constantly weighing myself and as to date I've not lost any weight, and (TMI) my stools are brown with no black or tarryness.

I can't understand why I never feel hungry anymore. I had Nandos with my friend the other day and I ate that fine, it seems that I can eat on some days and not on others. I'm going to see the doctor tomorrow, but any support would be appreciated, thanks :)

03-02-16, 22:19
You're not hungry because of the Prozac. It's a side effect. It will go away after a few months.

03-02-16, 22:58
Makes sense, but I'd love to know why sometimes I feel hungry and sometimes I don't. It's really scary, but hey, anxiety is anxiety.

04-02-16, 00:05
but hey, anxiety is anxiety.

Exactly! That's why.

Positive thoughts