View Full Version : Can anyone just help me nip this in the bud quickly please :)

03-02-16, 20:47
My pinkie finger on my left hand has been twitching on and off for about 2 months now... sometimes nothing for days, sometimes it goes on for days... but TODAY... it has been twitching pretty much CONSTANTLY ALL DAY with no let up.

I know this is most likely nothing, but if someone else could tell me they have had a similar experience it will get my subconscious anxiety to shut the hell up :)

03-02-16, 20:51
I honestly think twitching is just another one of those things. I get twitching every single day but mine is everywhere today it's been mostly the bottom of my feet.

03-02-16, 20:55
It's literally NON STOP in my finger today... I've had a lot of muscle twitching over the years but never like this :/

03-02-16, 21:07
My pinkie finger on my left hand has been twitching on and off for about 2 months now... sometimes nothing for days, sometimes it goes on for days... but TODAY... it has been twitching pretty much CONSTANTLY ALL DAY with no let up.

I know this is most likely nothing, but if someone else could tell me they have had a similar experience it will get my subconscious anxiety to shut the hell up :)

But will it be sufficient?

03-02-16, 21:09
I can feel the anxiety below the surface about this and it's really annoying me. I've actually been doing well the last 3-4 days. My headaches have gone, I've been in a great mood... and then this little thing crops up :/

03-02-16, 21:11
Not in my finger, but yes I can relate to having that. Most recently I had an eyelid twitch literally every second for a week.

I also just had a twitch in my armpit for most of the day, lasted about two weeks.

I know it's hard to distract, but I imagine if you just ignored this it would be gone soon.

03-02-16, 21:18
Not in my finger, but yes I can relate to having that. Most recently I had an eyelid twitch literally every second for a week.

I also just had a twitch in my armpit for most of the day, lasted about two weeks.

I know it's hard to distract, but I imagine if you just ignored this it would be gone soon.

Thanks for the reply. I've had muscle twitches REALLY badly before and had MRI scans, nerve conduction tests etc.. it's really bothered me that I've gotten anxious about this today.

04-02-16, 08:33
I can feel the anxiety below the surface about this and it's really annoying me. I've actually been doing well the last 3-4 days. My headaches have gone, I've been in a great mood... and then this little thing crops up :/

That's good news (not this new thing :doh:)

So, when you were worrying about your headaches what exactly got you from the worry to letting it go? You said with that you could feel the anxiety below the surface BUT it never came out. So, was it because you obtained enough reassurance from talking to us, did you self talk your way out of it, or maybe both? Or did you do something else to pull yourself out of it, like going the gym?

I think it's good proof though that you ARE able to stop the cycle before it truly takes hold, That's good news, many can't. So, now you just need to discover how that happens to keep doing it whilst you work on eliminating the triggers themselves.

Notice I haven't mentioned the finger. You know anxiety causes tremors and you know focussing on it will make you see it more. Something you are missing is that you've had it months but you haven't been posting on here throughout that time have you? Certainly not recently so that shows how your focus can change because during those times you've also felt better, like you mentioned above, so that tells me this is either because it seems to have escalated (possible trigger) or you are just focussing on it more than before.

04-02-16, 08:38
I think twitching happens often if a person is tired or stressed. Or anxious!

I get all sorts of twitches and funny pains and things, some just fleeting and some go on for a bit. I've never had the finger though. I've certainly had the eyelid ones or under the eye for days on end.

Have you tried magnesium? It's good for muscle stuff.

Otherwise I am sure you are fine, but of course worrying makes it seem worse.

Take care

04-02-16, 08:54
You know that you can rise above this new anxiety, Steve. You are not going to sabotage all your good work by listening to those triggering thoughts running through your perfectly healthy, lesion-free brain.

04-02-16, 10:16
I managed to stop myself worrying. I got annoyed at myself and just snapped out of it.

This usually happens after I get done worrying about a big anxiety causing thing (the headaches). It's almost like there's an anxiety void that needs to be filled, so any small thing triggers it. Will definitely mention this at my next CBT session on Friday...

My dose of Sertraline is also being upped from 25mg to 50mg on Monday I think when I see my GP...

04-02-16, 14:57
It's almost like there's an anxiety void that needs to be filled, so any small thing triggers it.

Definitely think that you have hit the nail on the head.

Bringing it up at your CBT session is the best way to figure out a strategy going forwards

04-02-16, 16:27
I had a twitching lip for months! It stopped about 2 days before my wedding just as suddenly as it started. I get the odd twitch every now and again in my lip, eye, fingers or even legs but they never last as long as that lip twitch did! x