View Full Version : Is this appendicitis? I'm panicking!

03-02-16, 22:56
Hey there,

I'm not sure if this is posted in the correct section, so I'm real sorry if I've posted it in the wrong place!

I've never had appendicitis in my life, but at the same time this is a new strange symptom for me so I'm not entirely sure if it's IBS either. I've had IBS five years and in all the time I've not felt this kind of pain.

Basically, yesterday morning I woke up with a weird nagging sensation on the right side of my lower abdomen, and stretching around my right hip. It's been like a sharp throbbing sensation that waxes and wanes but doesn't go away. I tried to put heat on it but after reading about appendicitis risks and so forth, I realised that was a bad idea in case..

I haven't really slept very well as the pain kind of kept me awake and I couldn't get comfortable. It hadn't gone today and it hurts really bad if I apply pressure. However, where I assume the appendix would be, although I'm tender, it's not like severe pain or anything, and it seems like the throbbing pain is further over and more toward my hip region.

I don't know how far my bowels stretch and if they curl around as low as your hip, but if it's possible it's just IBS pain I'd really love to know..

I'm not like in SEVERE pain, and atm the pain is like a 5/10 maybe, (it just hurts to lay on or stretch/move too much, plus to put pressure on), I just feel a bit rough and I feel a bit nauseous but that could be more due to panicking, or the pain.

What does appendicitis feel like? Has anyone had it and can tell me if it's something I should be aware of.. if it helps, I didn't have any pain around my navel area as far as I know, and it's mainly been localised to the left of my right hip, my hip bone and also curving round the back of my flank.

I googled (which I know is a bad idea) but the only other possible explanation I came up with was some kind of bursitis, which can cause inflammation around the hip joint? I don't know if this is possible though, all i know is I woke up with it.

If anyone has any idea of what it's more likely to be and whether it sounds at ALL like appendicitis I'd be real grateful! I am gonna go to the doctor in the morning if the pain is still there, just to be safe.

03-02-16, 23:14
It could also be a bladder or kidney infection. I woke up with a sharp pain on my right side a few weeks ago, in the pelvic area. And it went around back. Turns out it was a slight kidney infection. The pain lasted for 2 days and then came and went for a few days.

I've never had appendicitis, but I would imagine after 2 days you'd be in a lot more pain and usually have a fever too. Do you have a fever?

03-02-16, 23:17
I don't think I have a fever, I haven't necessarily felt hot or been sweating profusely.

I guess you're right that it could be a bladder infection though, I'm very prone to them, though I'd hope not as I only had one a month or so ago haha.

I should definitely do a urine test and check...

Sam Winter
04-02-16, 01:09
hi there x,
i'm not an expert so i can't give complete advice but i would like to tell you this,
in september of 2014 i started getting this painful side that sounds alot like yours, a week later i went up to the doctors he felt my tummy i went back home, a few months later i went back up to a different one, he felt my tummy told me it was probably down to my periods sent me home, late last year i went back up because i had a really two days of it, the doctor checked me out told me to go to the hospital got urine blood pressure blood and oxygen checked out fine, i've now had this for a year maybe a little longer, i was never diagnosed with anything but i know for a fact i have ibs(wouldn't be uncommon with my reflux) and i found the pain usually comes on and only lasts as long as my ibs attack does, like i say i'm not a profession and i do suggest getting diagnosed by a doctor is best, but it doesn't seem like it to me especially as appendicitis starts in the middle of your tummy(and the pains about a 7-9 and then it moves to the right side in a matter of hours where it becomes a 10-100000000 and stays like that(probably get worse if it ruptures) so it's unlikely xx

04-02-16, 01:31
I've not had it nor am I a doctor but I've known people who have had appendicitis and they had severe pain as in curled up in a ball pain, fever, vomiting etc.

Personally, I don't think it's appendicitis based on what you're saying. Your doctor will enlighten you I'm sure.

Positive thoughst

04-02-16, 01:41
Thank you for the replies. I'm hoping it is just likely IBS or something very similar... (not that I like having ibs but better that then appendicitis). Yeah I've heard the pain with appendicitis is really bad, and obviously it'd be more likely if I was curled up in pain.. I just got worried as I was googling which I should never do, and read about people who only felt slightly unwell or didn't have bad pain and it got me all paranoid.

I'll most likely get checked out anyway to be sure but I imagine it's probably my body being rubbish again (I'm always in pain one way or another)

Thanks tho, I'm sure I'm just worrying over nothing as usual but it really does hurt...