View Full Version : Twitching muscles

04-02-16, 04:42
Can't sleep because of muscles twitching all over my legs and arms. Had it for a few nights now getting scared because I've been dizzy/headachy and had a weird "episode" the other week that the docs can't explain :(

Gonna go see the doc again tomorrow because I can't handle the intense anxiety that episode has created.

Just want to sleep and feel normal again :(

04-02-16, 13:40
My muscle twitch all over especially when my anxiety is up. Right now my eye lid is twitching.

ben johnson
04-02-16, 13:43
if you have a fear about the musles then you can go to the hospital(miner injery unit)about it, if theres one by you

04-02-16, 17:05
Twitching is a hard symptom to ignore, but you have to understand it's very common in anxiety sufferers. The fact you're on this board tells me you're an anxious person!

Just know that a LOT of other people have twitches all the time, and have done for years and that it's most likely totally benign!

Certainly don't Google what it can be, there's no point and will just worry you. If anything go to a site about benign fasciculation syndrome which tells you how twitching is common and doesn't mean anything sinister.

As always, keep an eye on it, if something really serious comes along you'll know and you can go to the doctor.