View Full Version : Abnormal periods

04-02-16, 05:40
So, I have weird periods. Always have - sometimes I'll get only like three a year, sometimes I'll have two in one month. No doctor has ever seemed too interested in figuring out why this is, I assume since it's been true since I started menstruating and I don't plan on having children.

However, they've been even weirder lately. In November I kept having spotting for about a month afterwards, and then just now I'm having an usually heavy period - I use a DivaCup, and instead of having to empty it twice a day, I'm having to empty it a lot more, and it was immediately red blood rather than darker blood like usual at the beginning of a period. (Maybe 30ml in a day, which I know because of the helpful notes on the DivaCup... thanks, Divacup.)

I'm trying not to panic, because
a) I'm in my 20s
b) I've always had unusual periods
c) I had a pelvic exam/pap smear in September
d) I had an abdominal ultrasound and CAT scan in August (doctor thought I had appendicitis, but luckily, nah. unluckily, no answer for the random pain, which eventually went away.)

I'm also on 20mg citalopram, and I know that's done slightly weird things to my periods before.

Any reassurance that this is normal? I leave for a long trip on Monday (6 months!) and I don't want to be freaking out the whole time.

04-02-16, 05:44
You seem to have already reassured yourself. Many girls have irregular periods like you, it's very common. This is probably why doctors have not mentioned anything. The only time you should be worried about your period is if it lasts for more than 7 - 10 days as you will probably be losing too much iron which could affect your health.

You also mentioned you are taking a medication which affects your period, which you already stated your period is irregular.

To me, you seem 100% healthy and have nothing to worry about. Blood flow of period doesn't mean anything as long as it lightens up eventually.

Best of luck.