View Full Version : So Im seeing the GP today...

04-02-16, 09:57
So after 2 weeks of no sleep, constant panic and worry over the "episode" i had I have given up trying to cope alone and decided I need to see my GP about my worries :( Appointment made today for 4pm with the GP I find the most approachable at my practice.

Thing is, I have no idea what to say. Ive always had anxiety but never this bad, I usually manage fine with some Kalms or Bachs remedy when things got "bad" before but now I feel like I cant cope.

I don't want to be labelled as an anxious nutter and have every health concern in the future dismissed because of this.

Basically despite the reassurance Ive already had, I still fear something is wrong with me because Ive not had an MRI. I am happy that my heart, blood, eyes etc are OK. I keep thinking that if I have an MRI to rule out my head/neck and its clear then I can calm down naturally. But I think the doc will refuse and just want to put me on meds instead. Which wont stop me thinking about the issue at all.

No idea what to say to her today I've never been in this situation before with worrying.

04-02-16, 10:07

I've been having ear/sinus issues for a couple of months.. had several blood tests ("textbook" results) CT of head (clear) complete eye test (fine, just reading glasses), numerous cognitive tests (perfect) and I paid privately for an MRI of my brain, head & neck and cervical spine (all normal, just wear and tear on neck).. I'm still not satisfied!

Had a rubbish apt with an ENT consultant on Tues and actually felt worse afterwards.. no attempt at explaining my symptoms, just sent me off for hearing tests and a hearing aid fitting, and gave me a nasal wash kit. Quick look up nose and in ears and that was it. He barely listened to my concerns and I had waited 6 weeks for the appt.

My husband says I will never be satisfied with what I'm told, but all I wanted was for the ENT guy to listen.. it was like speed-dating.. 5 mins and you're out!

04-02-16, 10:12
Hi LittleGsMama,

I am sorry to hear of your ear/sinus issues. But it is good that your tests are OK, especially the MRI! It sucks you still have no answers, that's whats getting me down too. They have no idea what happened and I'm still dizzy/headachey/twitchy/sickly. Which I know can be anxiety but the "episode" I had was totally unprovoked! I had been in a good mood for months and hadnt been sick or anything.

I hope she will listen to my worries (main concern) and not just send me away with pills :(

Gary A
04-02-16, 10:23
A clear MRI wouldn't rule out an epileptic fit, and as I recall that's what you were concerned about. Did you not say you had spoken with a neurologist?

04-02-16, 10:31
Speed dating littlegsmama made me giggle! I might use that line next time I think someone's not listening to me haha loved it!

Arietis just start from the beginning, take a deep breath and talk. Maybe jotting something down on paper to help you ?

04-02-16, 10:32
I was worried about a seizure initially and what might have caused it. The Neurologist wasn't sure I'd had a true seizure. But he didn't have an answer either for what happened.

Gary A
04-02-16, 10:44
These types of things are notoriously hard to pin point, as the symptoms have disappeared by the time you're evaluated and you're basically only left with a description. I personally don't feel it was an epileptic seizure, and by the sounds of it you had a panic attack.

Of course, you're better seeing a medical professional to get an answer, so let us know what your GP says.

04-02-16, 11:15
yeah I think I am able to accept it wasn't a seizure now having seen a Neurologist, but the fact nobody knows what it was bugs me. Plus the event itself was so scary its keeping me awake at night with panic as its still very fresh in my mind. I need help sleeping again if nothing else.

I will report back later.

04-02-16, 11:46
Speed dating littlegsmama made me giggle! I might use that line next time I think someone's not listening to me haha loved it!

Arietis just start from the beginning, take a deep breath and talk. Maybe jotting something down on paper to help you ?

Lol Blonde.. it was 5 mins with the consultant (AND I had notes to go through!) then back to the waiting room, in for a hearing test, back to the waiting room, a couple more minutes with the consultant, back to the waiting room, then 5 mins with the audiologist and then finished :roflmao:

Arietis, definitely take notes to go through. I'll be taking mine again next month :) x

04-02-16, 12:01
Thanks all, I have made a list of things I want to mention to her and I'm going to try to keep an open mind and not get too worked up over the idea of getting tested.

04-02-16, 12:54
Thanks all, I have made a list of things I want to mention to her and I'm going to try to keep an open mind and not get too worked up over the idea of getting tested.

Keep us posted xxx

04-02-16, 14:34
IF the neurologist was at all worried about anything they would have referred you for a brain scan so the fact they didn't is very reassuring.

I would be honest with the Dr about your fears, they will probably already clocked that you have health anxiety so you don't need to worry about the anxious nutter label as I doubt you have managed to completely hide your anxiety. I thought I was hiding it for many many years but they knew all along and now I am totally honest with my GP about my fears and he is very good at explaining why he thinks I am wrong!

A GP cannot get you a mri of your head/neck etc on the nhs only a hospital consultant can do that. If you have the money your GP can refer your for a private one but you are looking at £450 for one scan area so not cheap!

Hope all goes well for you this afternoon and you can talk to the GP.

04-02-16, 16:31
Thanks Deb :) Yes I have been trying to convince myself of that fact, that if he was at all worried he would have suggested a scan himself. It does reassure me a little bit but not enough to remove the anxiety.

You are right though, it wont be a surprise I'm sure when I go see the GP later but it will feel good to get it off my chest. I will ask about the private referral and she what she thinks. I may do it just for peace of mind.

At least going to the doc today gets me out of work a little early!

---------- Post added at 16:31 ---------- Previous post was at 14:44 ----------

The GP I saw today referred me for a full ECG and an MRI scan. Still anxious as hell as she didn't do much to reassure me but now at least I can find out for sure.

04-02-16, 16:35
Good that you didn't get fobbed off though :hugs:

Do they know of your anxiety? xx

04-02-16, 16:53
Nope. No fobbing off. She was very thorough. Wish I'd gone to see her in the first place really. Dunno why all the other GPs didn't refer me and she did. I didn't even mention about getting referred. Just said how worried I am.

04-02-16, 17:02
Nope. No fobbing off. She was very thorough. Wish I'd gone to see her in the first place really. Dunno why all the other GPs didn't refer me and she did. I didn't even mention about getting referred. Just said how worried I am.

Something good then! I had a meltdown in the GP's room before I was referred! xx

04-02-16, 17:04
What were you referred for ? I'm trying not to have a meltdown now! I hope it's not too long to wait for the appointments and results xx

04-02-16, 17:06
I was referred for ENT :hugs: