View Full Version : Severe anxiety at being alive.. pleas help me in trying to rebuild myself

04-02-16, 10:55
Good morning,

I have never posted on anything like this before but I am serious need of help, I have been to the doctors, the hospital and I am currently working with a CBT practitioner.

I believe that my anxiety has caused me to have extremely weird thoughts and has completely changed my view on life making it very hard for me to live and leaving me feeling hopeless and trapped in a meaningless existence.

A bit of background knowledge: I would class myself as a highly functioning, intelligent girl. I have always been confident, enjoyed making others laugh and have always enjoyed being sociable and seeing my friends etc. but at the same time I have always been happy in my own company.

I have suffered from bouts of ‘sad episodes’ as far back as I can remember, but I have since always gone back to ‘normal’. I would say my first experience of anxiety happened when I was 19 after a major panic attack at university (not caused by anything obvious as far as I am aware). After this episode I became convinced that I had something wrong with my heart but after some time at home and a few months on citalopram I returned back to ‘normal’ life.

For the next 6 years (I am now 25) I have led a fulfilling life, I have completed uni, held down good full time jobs and have found a loving boyfriend. In May 2015 I moved to a different city with my boyfriend and started a new job. I was really happy with my new life and new sense of freedom despite not enjoying my job. I decided to leave that job and got a new job which I really enjoyed in September.

Towards the end of October 2015 I started to have weird thoughts about death and existence in bed at night along the lines of ‘ I will be dead one day’, amongst other thoughts such as ‘what if my boyfriend leaves me’, ‘where will I be in 10 years’. I carried on with normal life i.e. working, seeing friends but I could feel a sense of sadness and anxiety slowly building up, along with tearful episodes, and began to sense that something wasn’t right with me, and even saying to my boyfriend that I felt I was on the verge of a mental breakdown.

Towards the end of November thoughts about death began to plague my mind nonstop, I stopped being able to eat or sleep properly and had a few major panic attacks leading my mum to drive down and pick me up to be at home for a few days. I saw the doctor who advised it was anxiety and put me back on citalopram. Gradually over the next couple of weeks I started to accept that death was really nothing to waste time worrying about and that I needed to focus my attention on living life… cue a couple of weekend feeling normal.

Towards the beginning to middle of December my thoughts took a drastic turn for the worse and became more and more weird. Instead of being scared of death, I became scared of the fact I was alive instead. I pondered how weird existence was with constant thoughts like “why am I here”, “what does everything mean”, “why am I me”, “everything is pointless”. Over the next couple of weeks I couldn’t eat or sleep, I would heave and be sick for no reason other than the fact that I was alive. Everyone started to look like strangers, I felt that being alive was a burden and that I had been sleep walking all my life and never realised how weird it was before, I started to become scared of absolutely everything… the fact I could see and hear, the world instead, words, the sun, nightie etc.. This lead me to be stuck in bed for a few days with a rapid heartbeat absolutely terrified.

On December 18th it became so bad that I became convinced that I needed to kill myself because life was such a burden, but I was scared and afraid because I didn’t know how to do it, so I decided to try and get some help as I was sure that I was going crazy and suffering from a psychosis. With no way out of my misery I rang 111 who advised me to speak to my doctors or go to a and e, I called the doctors and protested that it was an emergency and that I was going to do something stupid, but they advised they couldn’t help. I then rang my boyfriend’s boss as he wasn’t answering and he came home and took me to a and e.

I can’t really remember much about that day but I remember seeing faces dancing on my curtains, becoming convinced that I could control other people’s thoughts and being convinced that I was invisible, being convinced everyone else were either robots or figments of my imagination. I finally saw a psychiatrist who assessed me and said I was suffering extreme anxiety, she explained that the fact that I thought I was going crazy showed that I actually wasn’t as I could accept that what I was experiencing wasn’t ‘normal’ and my ‘normal reality’. I was send home from the hospital referred to A and E along with a note written to my doctor explaining why I went in etc.…

Since my stay in hospital I have tried to go back to normal life, getting up in the morning, seeing my family and friends etc., but nothing quite feels real. I don’t feel like myself and don’t really know who I am anymore. Looking at old photographs of me upsets me even more because I can’t correlate myself now with myself then. I feel afraid and like I am living in my own world and that I am past help. I feel like I am watching myself trying to act normal whilst not knowing who I am anymore. I do not feel that CBT is helping as I am not worrying about anything in particular but I am worried about everything to do with my existence. I want to lead a happy life and I had so many things I was looking forward to but now I am just trying exist and hold it together. I have found myself walking around and feeling like a robot with no emotions, only pretending to be myself for the sake of people I know.
I am still on citalopram, still carrying on with CBT and trying to live my life in the hope that I will feel like myself again, but the truth is that I feel alone and frightened in the world. I still feel unsure that nothing is real, or that I have schizophrenia or something serious wrong with me that is making me feel like this. Every so often I will have moments of clarity where I realise that it is anxiety but then I will go back to feeling weird a few moments after. I feel that my life is now pointless I am the only one who has to be me and who knows how I feel. I don’t know whether I have discovered that life is weird and isn’t real and that I am the only person that exists, gone crazy or simply suffering from severe anxiety due to analysing everything instead of just living – before all of this I was very carefree and lived day to day.

Please someone give me some advice or help. I would love to hear that I am not alone!! I don’t know what else I can do the doctors do not seem to understand  !!!

04-02-16, 18:45
Need a response please :(

04-02-16, 19:18

Really sorry you are going through this. You are not alone. I am the same age as you and currently going through the most severe form of anxiety and depression I've ever gone through. The anxiety being a lot worse than the depression at the moment. I've been like this since August. I have no reason to be like this but i think I've spiralled downwards and downwards into it. I've been so bad, I've had 4 doctors appointments in the last few weeks. I'm suffering from the most intense tiredness even though i get sleep and I'm worried of going crazy. Everything seems so distant and i don't feel like myself at all. I'm irritable all the time, scared, and just want it to end. We will get better and you're not alone.

Sorry i couldn't give more advice

06-02-16, 18:00
I think serotonin is what causes this type of thing, I don't believe it is the happy chemical at all. I've done some research and old research papers that were written before antidepressants were discovered all show how metabolically harmful serotonin is. So getting your thyroid working and trying tianeptine or cyproheptadine might help. It pains me to watch serotonin be vindicated by drug companies. LSD is anti serotonin and a good trip can result in people crying when it's ending because they "think that the world they're coming back to can never be as beautiful as this". Serotonin has been thought of as a reducing valve, basically to reduce our consciousness in times where we need to survive and that's it. Granted, LSD is powerful and dangerous if in the wrong setting and not supervised so we need some serotonin to not overwhelm our senses. The "getting worse before it gets better" that you experience on SSRI's is the period where your serotonin receptors aren't desensitized yet so basically the worse part is the part with higher serotonin, at least for anxiety. I felt euphoric once during a very anxious time of my life and I assume it's because I was so stressed out that cortisol or some other acutely anti-inflammatory substance was exceedingly high, leading to a profound but short lived sense of well being. St. johns wort just made me feel like everything was a dream. Serotonin is a chemical that is released under times of stress and hibernation, when a bear goes into hibernation its serotonin rises sharply.

Actually, when I was taking lots of St. John's Wort it was sorta like a dream, yeah, but there was also this constant feeling like everywhere I went there was this sad backstory to it, it made me extremely empathetic to everything and everyone cuz it seemed like everything and everyone was sad and lonely and I needed to help them somehow, it was weird and unnatural. I had thoughts like "what will happen to the world and the universe when humans are all gone? No one will remember us and it will be quiet and lonely." I have no idea why serotonin is thought of as the happy chemical, but I guess it makes sense cuz at the same time I felt like I was able to connect to people more, but this same effect could be achieved through opposing vasopressin which is a substance increased by serotonin. Serotonin also increases oxytocin which is another anti-metabolic substance when raised too high, but oxytocin and vasopressin are related and opposite in some ways so I think that lowering vasopressin and serotonin should achieve the same "being able to connect with people" effect without it feeling like my soul has been eaten.

06-02-16, 18:13
Get your vitamin D levels checked

06-02-16, 19:47
I just want to say you are not alone - I can identify with almost everything that you have said and I have felt really stuck as you have.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel. The best thing you can do is accept how weird this all feels for now and just plod through it. Even if it's not real. Distract yourself as much as you can and get good sleep and good food so you can let your subconscious get on with processing this all, then after a while you'll find your nerves will settle and you'll be able to think about this more rationally.

It's crazy we are just sitting here writing on a forum about this isn't it?

30-01-18, 14:39

All your thoughts and outlooks are completely normal. I've been through heaps of this. It means you are critically thinking about existence and finding it very hard to find great answers. This is the only way it can be, as litterally no human being on earth can answer these questions (in an objective way or a particularly reasuring subjective way).

Perhaps some people go through life never putting these things under the microscope. Think of all the people in history and today who have strong opinions about how things should be, or this or that. All of those people are choosing to make up and shout about that they know what is going on.

All we know is that we are an evolved species on a rock, and that we are alive for a bit. Through my life, I have been aware of this, and then put grand plans into place (avoid school, but focus on my hobbies, then focus on career, become an utter expert in my field) but I mostly find that those grand plans don't come off that well, or certainly "answer everything"

Kids are a pretty powerful move to make, but also, you are really just deferring the problem to them. Perhaps that is fine. Perhaps that is a good idea? Perhaps there are no good ideas, and it doesn't matter what you do with your life, but it's probably worth continuing. If that's the best we can do, then we should perhaps try to spend our day to day lives doing something we quite enjoy. Just be wary of grand plans or solutions, as when you start asking the big questions, nobody has any great answers. Learning to live with this is the hardest part of life, in my view.

30-01-18, 16:17
Hi optician man it's a 2 year old thread so the op may not be back to see this :) ATB