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View Full Version : Freaking out over dentist!

Purple Fish
04-02-16, 12:13

I posted a thread on here years ago about a bad experience I had with an infected tooth. I've just come back from the dentist after having toothache on and off for a few months and got to have root canal treatment. I freaked out, cried and made a complete fool of myself. I'm booked in for this Tuesday for the first treatment. Please can someone reassure me? I'm really not good at the moment. It's only a tooth I keep saying but the last time a different dentist drilled into an old infected tooth, he hit the nerve and it was awful!!!!! I never went back to him and ended up having the tooth out in hospital because I refused the root canal!!! This dentist is lovely and I've had braces and teeth extracted by him but the root canal is scaring me so much!


04-02-16, 12:24
This dentist is lovely and I've had braces and teeth extracted by him but the root canal is scaring me so much!


Hey hun if he is lovely and managed your braces and tooth extraction OK then I think a root canal will be fine. Maybe mention to him before that you're nervous? My Dentist is pretty good with my nerves.

04-02-16, 12:49
I had a root canal about 3 or 4 years ago and it's not half as bad as they say. People were acting as though I'd be in agony afterwards too but honestly it's not that bad. It does hurt afterwards but nothing unbearable and I couldn't feel a thing during it.
I mentioned before to a dentist that I had anxiety and was more nervous about the injection (to numb your mouth) and she told me she'd give me the injection without adrenaline in and I've requested it ever since. It wears off quicker and doesn't add yet more adrenaline to our already ridden bodies!
Also I'd much prefer a root canal to a tooth extraction, it's not nice but not horrendous either.

04-02-16, 13:36
I have a HUGE phobia of dentists. Like you had one bad experience that I think scarred me for life lol. Anyway....had an excruciating toothache awhile back and had no choice but to go...they said I needed a root canal. I asked them if they would just pull it instead lol but because of where it was they said no. So....I went for the root canal. I honestly had built it up way more in my head. It wasn't bad at all. They really took the time to make sure I was numbed up when I told them my fears. Took about 45 mins total and I was done. No biggie!! So try not to work yourself up over it too much. Easier said than done I know but it will be fine!

Purple Fish
04-02-16, 15:15
Thank you all So much! Thinking about getting Diazepam from the docs to take on that morning? Has anyone had this?

04-02-16, 15:26
No but I used to take Propranolol and it was definitely helpful for me. If you need it, and they'll allow it I can't see the harm.
Make sure you tell the Dentist if you've taken one though as they need to know all meds you are on.

Purple Fish
04-02-16, 15:27
Thank you ��

Purple Fish
05-02-16, 11:28
I rang the doctor's this morning and I've got an appointment for Monday morning to see if I can be given something to take the morning of my dentist appointment. I know there's something called propanol?

Purple Fish
07-02-16, 07:46
Well as the dreaded day is getting closer I'm sleeping less each night through it being the last thing on my mind as I'm lying in bed! Doctors tomorrow! Will let you know what they give me to calm me down!

Purple Fish
08-02-16, 11:13
Just been to the docs and I've got Diazepam to take before I go! ��

Purple Fish
09-02-16, 08:14
So it's now 'D' day...dentist and Diazepam!!! Just taken 2mg of Diazepam as my appointment's in 2 hours! We'll see how it goes!!

Purple Fish
09-02-16, 19:18
Ha ha ha I know I'm the only one posting on this thread but just to let you know everything went well and I felt nothing at all!! Root canals are ok!!!!!!! The Diazepam was ok as I ended up taking another 2mg just before my appointment. But I don't think I'd need it again as I was worrying over nothing!!!!! :-) :-)

09-02-16, 20:20

I posted a thread on here years ago about a bad experience I had with an infected tooth. I've just come back from the dentist after having toothache on and off for a few months and got to have root canal treatment. I freaked out, cried and made a complete fool of myself. I'm booked in for this Tuesday for the first treatment. Please can someone reassure me? I'm really not good at the moment. It's only a tooth I keep saying but the last time a different dentist drilled into an old infected tooth, he hit the nerve and it was awful!!!!! I never went back to him and ended up having the tooth out in hospital because I refused the root canal!!! This dentist is lovely and I've had braces and teeth extracted by him but the root canal is scaring me so much!


I'm 25 and due to complications with getting hit in the face in the past I had to go through 2 root canals.

They didn't hurt whatsoever, the needle didn't hurt, the procedure didn't hurt, and it never really hurt afterwards because, well, the nerve is no longer there so it can't possibly hurt :D.

Don't worry, tooth extraction is a lot lot worse than root canal. A root canal nowadays is almost like just having a filling.

Ha ha ha I know I'm the only one posting on this thread but just to let you know everything went well and I felt nothing at all!! Root canals are ok!!!!!!! The Diazepam was ok as I ended up taking another 2mg just before my appointment. But I don't think I'd need it again as I was worrying over nothing!!!!! :-) :-)

Oh shoot, I should've read the last post before sending my own post xD.

Id didn't hurt, right? Glad it all went well.

Purple Fish
10-02-16, 11:28
Ah that's ok, yep it was all good thank you, thanks for the reply! I won't be afraid to have another one that's for sure...apart from the cost! :winks: xx