View Full Version : Can't accept that I have ibs

04-02-16, 14:07
I realise this is an health anxiety thread but my health anxiety is the main reason for this post.

I've been diagnosed with ibs which I've had for 4 years. It's been bare able but recently it's gotten worse more painful and now I'm loosing weight.However other than blood tests the doctor hasn't done and does not want to do any more tests even tho I'm in pain a lot, it's hard for me to believe it's ibs when I haven't had ultrasounds or the cameras inside me everyone I see on here has had these tests and I feel as tho I'm being misdiagnosed.
I am terrified of having the camera inside me but part of me thinks I should keep asking them incase something is really wrong
I am a 25 year old female do not drink or smoke I do have anxiety and health anxiety for 10 years however.

Do you think I should take all the doctors advise? I have been to a few but I feel as tho I should have more tests.

The ibs pains I'm getting are like stitch pains on my right hand side. I can get them near my hips, I get sharp knife pains I get a lot of gas after eating I get pain around my navel I get pain all over my stomach some times. Sometimes I have the urge to go to the loo and sometimes I don't go for a couple of days so it varies
The things I'm scared about are
Gallbladder problems

Is anybody in the same boat or have been or even could just talk :(

04-02-16, 14:23
Definately sounds like IBS. I have had it for over 12 years and I always get my pains on the right hand side too, terrified me to start with that it was my appendix!xxx

04-02-16, 14:32
I realise this is an health anxiety thread but my health anxiety is the main reason for this post.

I've been diagnosed with ibs which I've had for 4 years. It's been bare able but recently it's gotten worse more painful and now I'm loosing weight.However other than blood tests the doctor hasn't done and does not want to do any more tests even tho I'm in pain a lot, it's hard for me to believe it's ibs when I haven't had ultrasounds or the cameras inside me everyone I see on here has had these tests and I feel as tho I'm being misdiagnosed.
I am terrified of having the camera inside me but part of me thinks I should keep asking them incase something is really wrong
I am a 25 year old female do not drink or smoke I do have anxiety and health anxiety for 10 years however.

Do you think I should take all the doctors advise? I have been to a few but I feel as tho I should have more tests.

The ibs pains I'm getting are like stitch pains on my right hand side. I can get them near my hips, I get sharp knife pains I get a lot of gas after eating I get pain around my navel I get pain all over my stomach some times. Sometimes I have the urge to go to the loo and sometimes I don't go for a couple of days so it varies
The things I'm scared about are
Gallbladder problems

Is anybody in the same boat or have been or even could just talk :(

Hi speaking as someone who has been through the same thing, I would try and believe your doctor and know that if they were concerned they would most definitely organise further tests. I was diagnosed with IBS several years ago but didn't believe my doctor, I pushed and pushed for further tests and ended up having ultrasounds, colonoscopy, endoscopy, x rays loads of blood tests and it took all this to convince me. I had the anxiety of having tests and the stress of waiting for results. I wished I had believed my doctor . My symptoms can be pretty scary , severe stomach pain lower stomach, frequent bowel movements, stabbing pains upper abdomen , I did lose weight at one time but this was down to not eating enough because I was too anxious. Ultimately if you are not convinced then perhaps speak again about further tests but my doctor told me that there are certain red flag symptoms and also abnormalities that show in bloods which warrant further investigation. I'm sure your doctor would do further tests if they were concerned. Take Care.

04-02-16, 15:33
Thank you both for your comments, I am aware that my health anxiety is getting the better of me but it's scary getting these symptoms isn't it? my stomach pains Is triggering my anxiety as my mind thinks something wrong.
Every day I get the pain in my right lower stomach I think it's my appendix and it scares me! Of course it can't going on this long but every day I feel as tho 'today may be different'

Almamatters it's reassuring that all your tests were clear and your doctor was right about the ibs please let me know what your result is for your anxiety tests as it would be helpful to know.
I never feel hungry but force to myself to eat but my doctor thinks weight loss is due to worry, I've had many blood tests testing for all sorts of things and thankfully all is fine except low iron.(this made me worry more for a while)
The pains I get in my stomach can be so painful it makes me dizzy I also have acid reflux but as you said if they were worried they would test further I need to just trust them but as my Ibs pains change every week it's hard to know if something is wrong if you know what I mean! Google doesn't help when i once heard of a misdiagnoses x

04-02-16, 15:55
I know what you mean when your symptoms are severe you assume it's something terrible, well I always do. I have been diagnosed with severe HA and GAD. I also have reflux but have had this for years . I used to Google my symptoms and diagnosed myself with all kinds of digestive cancers , which was in hindsight the worst thing I could of done. The gastrointestinal consultant I saw told me that IBS moves in mysterious ways and.symptoms differ from patient to patient,. Are you on meds for your IBS? X

04-02-16, 16:54
Oh wow that does sound bad- passing out!
I've googled too and there's so many symptoms of major things that mimic what I'm going through.
I am I am on mebeverine and omprazole for acid reflux x

04-02-16, 16:58
Oh wow that does sound bad- passing out!
I've googled too and there's so many symptoms of major things that mimic what I'm going through.
I am I am on mebeverine and omprazole for acid reflux x

I knows it easy for me to say but I wouldn't Google, I take omeprazole and peppermint oil capsules for the IBS, they do help.

04-02-16, 17:05
I think that's what's getting to me, I have so many symptoms- identical to some causes and yet they put it down to Ibs still!
I wish I never knew about all these other things but I googled way before I knew I shouldn't so now when I get a pain the first thing I think of is the scary causes

---------- Post added at 17:05 ---------- Previous post was at 17:04 ----------

I was prescribed peppermint capsules but never used them as I read peppermint isn't good for acid reflux but you have acid reflux - may have to give them a go?

04-02-16, 19:19
Yes the GP said I was ok to take them even though I have reflux. I get them on prescription though and I'm not sure about taking them with mebrevine so check with your doctor first. I googled for months before my diagnoses and Google came up with everything from cancers to auto immune diseases none of which were correct. That's why I put off going to the doctor for so long originally, I was that scared because of Google. Hope you are feeling better soon.