View Full Version : Had a mammogram/ultrasound yesterday, still worried!

04-02-16, 15:28
My anxiety has been awful over my situation (finding a indentation in my breast with my arm raised, it goes down the side of my right breast about 3 inches long, not a stretch mark that I can tell). Anyway, I saw my gynecologist on Tuesday and she didn't feel anything, but she could see what I was talking about and wanted to be safe and sent me for a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound. I had both done yesterday. The Radiologist said nothing was found and they looked symmetrical. I was HUGELY relieved!!!! Anyway, now its the next day and from all my googling I did during the wait, I read a few stories about women having dents, no lumps, and the tests missing stuff and it was an MRI that picked it up. So I'm worried about it, not as much as I was before, but still anxious about the "what ifs." Everyone keeps telling me to trust my doctors, the tests etc. But you know how health anxiety is. Anyone shed some light?:blush:

04-02-16, 15:57
I've been reading your posts from the sidelines and know how worried you've been. I have healthy anxiety and know ll to well about not trusting something as I'm going through it now with a few things.
However I'd like to mention that a relative of mine was diagnosed with breast cancer in late 2014. They always had cysts for many years and there was no reason to suspect cancer and some eagle eyed person spotted it instantly. It was very early stages, wasn't even palpable. Was spotted on Mammogram then a scan to confirm.
Basically I'm trying to say just how accurate they are. They would have seen it especially if it was big enough to cause the dimple. My relative was a regular there so they'll all have thought 'oh another cyst' whereas yours was specifically due to your dent so they'll have actually been ensuring it wasn't cancerous.
Shortly after this diagnosis I noticed my breast looked indented (not like a dimple. As though I'd been wearing a too tight bra and my breast had taken its shape) and I went to GP as I didn't want to take any risks due to my relative and I was told they can and do change over time. Mine was change in density. It was around 8 months ago now and no further changes.
I know how hard it is not to worry I just think if they could spot it as early as they did (also it wasn't the cyst they went for it was behind so they thoroughly checked it all) then they could have spotted if there was anything to worry about with yours.

04-02-16, 16:15
I've been reading your posts from the sidelines and know how worried you've been. I have healthy anxiety and know ll to well about not trusting something as I'm going through it now with a few things.
However I'd like to mention that a relative of mine was diagnosed with breast cancer in late 2014. They always had cysts for many years and there was no reason to suspect cancer and some eagle eyed person spotted it instantly. It was very early stages, wasn't even palpable. Was spotted on Mammogram then a scan to confirm.
Basically I'm trying to say just how accurate they are. They would have seen it especially if it was big enough to cause the dimple. My relative was a regular there so they'll all have thought 'oh another cyst' whereas yours was specifically due to your dent so they'll have actually been ensuring it wasn't cancerous.
Shortly after this diagnosis I noticed my breast looked indented (not like a dimple. As though I'd been wearing a too tight bra and my breast had taken its shape) and I went to GP as I didn't want to take any risks due to my relative and I was told they can and do change over time. Mine was change in density. It was around 8 months ago now and no further changes.
I know how hard it is not to worry I just think if they could spot it as early as they did (also it wasn't the cyst they went for it was behind so they thoroughly checked it all) then they could have spotted if there was anything to worry about with yours.

Thank you so much for your kind reply!!!! It really did bring me some comfort. Thank you so much!! I'm so glad everything turned out well for you as well. I hope whatever you are going through, you are able to find peace and trust your doctors. Its hard I know! :bighug1:

04-02-16, 16:22
Noooo you must not let yourself go down this route , it's only been 24 hours , you had mammogram and ultrasound , one of them would have picked it up , please put this one to rest , ( I'm a fine one to talk I know but you've had tests ) x

04-02-16, 16:24
Noooo you must not let yourself go down this route , it's only been 24 hours , you had mammogram and ultrasound , one of them would have picked it up , please put this one to rest , ( I'm a fine one to talk I know but you've had tests ) x

I'm really trying its the "what ifs" that keep flashing in my head.

04-02-16, 23:26
Just wondering...what make you all think it ISN'T a stretchmark?

I think what you're worrying about, and what is coming up on google, is Inflammatory Breast Cancer. This is my #1 health anxiety fear right now. I actually went to my gynecologist recently because I was so worried had it. He said that in his entire career, he's seen it twice. Both presented with SEVERE inflammation.

But, I have also seen those stories about the women who just have a dent, or a rash, or something that looks like a bug bite. They torture me!! I'm working every day to just have faith in my doctors and believe what they say.

That being said, I know that IBC is VERY VERY VERY rare. I also know that it moves VERY fast. How long have you had this spot? The longer you have it with no other symptoms, the more sure you can be that you are fine. But you should be sure anyway---trust your doctor. :)

You're not alone with these scary ideas...I'm just glad to hear that everything turned out well for you. Let yourself feel some peace.

05-02-16, 03:01
Just wondering...what make you all think it ISN'T a stretchmark?

I think what you're worrying about, and what is coming up on google, is Inflammatory Breast Cancer. This is my #1 health anxiety fear right now. I actually went to my gynecologist recently because I was so worried had it. He said that in his entire career, he's scene it twice. Both presented with SEVERE inflammation.

But, I have also seen those stories about the women who just have a dent, or a rash, or something that looks like a bug bite. They torture me!! I'm working every day to just have faith in my doctors and believe what they say.

That being said, I know that IBC is VERY VERY VERY rare. I also know that it moves VERY fast. How long have you had this spot? The longer you have it with no other symptoms, the more sure you can be that you are fine. But you should be sure anyway---trust your doctor. :)

You're not alone with these scary ideas...I'm just glad to hear that everything turned out well for you. Let yourself feel some peace.

I'm not worried about IBC, at least I don't think I am? I'm not sure how long I've had this dent, I just noticed it recently. Could be new, could be old? Not sure. I had just read stories about women having dimples, no lump, nothing on tests and it was still c. :(

05-02-16, 13:21
Well, the kind of breast cancer you're reading about that doesn't show up on the mammogram is called "inflammatory breast cancer." It involves a thickening of the skin that (cancer within the skin) that can cause some of the symptoms we're talking about.

Any other kind of breast cancer would definitely be picked up my mammogram and ultrasound. No question.

I really think you are in the clear here. Trust your doctor...If things change and you develop redness/swelling, etc., then go back...but I have to tell you...I feel confident that won't happen. :)

05-02-16, 17:04
Thank you!!!

05-02-16, 19:18
To be honest, I knew this would happen. I was actually thinking yesterday: I wonder how she feels about her test today (I don't have HA but the worry about it is always in the back of my mind, as I think it is with most women so I followed your case).
I think you suffer from such bad HA that after the initial relief of a clear test, you immediately go back to worrying about it.
I won't even say trust your doctor because I know it won't convince you.

I don't know your situation. I hate saying to someone: have you thought about therapy? 'Cause I know that question gets asked a lot and isn't always helpful. But you really should try and do something to stop you from falling into that pattern.
Otherwise you're gonna spend your life paying for a lot of unnecessary tests, and still worrying.

10-02-16, 18:07
Thank you for your sweet replies! I was actually able to move on mostly over the weekend and Monday of this week and was feeling confident. Then yesterday I felt it creep back in and I ended up googling and checking my boob so many times my arm is sore from lifting it so much. Just this morning I read several stories of scans missing things even with obvious issues. I'm just so scared and don't know what to do from here. Everyone is telling me to trust the tests/doctor and I want to so badly but its the "what if" that keeps grabbing me. Dr. Google is such dangerous territory but I'm like "waht if this time Dr. Google is right."