View Full Version : Anxiety symptoms on a day off

04-02-16, 16:36
I feel like I can`t deal with days off. When I`m busy I really don`t have time to think about my health and all of the symtoms but when I`m at home the situation becomes unbearable.
I try to keep myself busy but it seems like free time is draining my energy instead of recharging, if that makes sense. I pray that Monday comes faster.
It`s so annoying, I can`t even rest like all the other people. I sholud be having fun but I can`t stop overthinking. Do you experience this?

04-02-16, 16:43
I feel the exact same way. Days off are wonderful - if you can keep yourself from the constant self-examinations.

Even if it's hard, could you try to get out of the house and distract yourself? Listen to you iPod while you go for a walk, eat at a restaurant, go see friends, etc.

04-02-16, 16:48
Having the exact same problem. And, this is not good because I took a voluntary separation package from work and now every day is like this for me. I am trying to meditate twice a day, which does help. I know I should try to distract myself by reading, working on projects around the house, working on crafts (I'm a knitter) but I am in such a panic mode that I can't focus. Ugh.

dizzy daisy
04-02-16, 22:08
Yes I'm like this too. I'm still anxious at work at the moment, but I find that I have distractions there so I can't overthink things as much. If I'm home alone I can sometimes make my anxiety worse by dwelling on negative things. I've got lots of annual leave I need to take before the end of March - in reality I need to take it before the end of Feb because other staff have the last 3 weeks of March booked already. If I don't take it I will lose it. I've booked 2 days off next week only because I know my husband is home one of those days - usually I just enjoy being at home. It's miserable xxxx

05-02-16, 19:18
Still at home and things are really hard atm. :weep:
Luckily on Monday is the beginning of the new semester. Yesterday I managed to go for a walk with a friend and I distracted myself but today the weather is awful and I`m stuck at home.

I find myself having feelings of guilt when I do nothing, when I have some time for myself. I have passed all my exams and with high grades. But I still feel like I don`t deserve to chill even a little bit and "I have to do do something" all the time.
Tired of this :shrug:

06-02-16, 07:51
I get this aswell. Weekends and especially holidays. I'm often extremely frustrated, cuz I love holidays, but my anxiety goes top-level aswell, which also makes me sad.