View Full Version : Really freaking out. Advice please!

04-02-16, 17:15
Hi everyone,

If you have read my previous posts, you'll know that I have this obsession with the thought of having narcolepsy. I have been seeing a psychiatrist at my university and he knows now how severe my mental condition is and has diagnosed me with severe OCD. He said that if anything went wrong with the medication or whatever, to come back and see him right away.
Well my anxiety has been through the roof and I didn't sleep most of the night. It's really bad and I really need to see him today. I called the health centre and the girl was like, "He is booked up today and doesn't take same day appointments."
I don't know what to do. My friend told me to go to the health centre and tell them what is happening and why I need to see him. Should I?

04-02-16, 17:50
I would call back and let the girl know what he said concerning the medication. He may be booked up but perhaps he can phone you back. Or, you can attribute this to a blip and try riding it out for another day.

Positive thoughts