View Full Version : Bronchoscopy after pneumonia. ....terrified

04-02-16, 18:33
I had pneumonia over last few weeks. After 2 weeks of antibiotics I'm recovering, but during the worst part of my cough, I coughed up a little blood. The xray showed a shadow which they presume is infection. I now have been asked to go for bronchoscopy and ct scan as part of procedure for someone who only recently gave up smoking, had pneumonia and coughed blood. Im terrified. Please can someone help me with this?

04-02-16, 21:55
Remember they are ticking all the boxes as they should do, you would be so annoyed if they just fobbed you off without these tests. Yes its very scary but there is much more chance that your symptoms are due to very bad infection than anything else.
15 years ago my non smoking husband had bad pneumonia, he was rushed to hospital barely conscious. He had blood in his spit as well and this is very common with pneumonia.
We can't reassure you that all is okay but the Drs can after they do the tests. EAsy to say but worry once there is something definite to worry about!

04-02-16, 22:50
When I had pneumonia it was diagnosed based on the symptoms and an X ray showing a 50p piece sized shadow on my lung.

I'm sure they are just playing safe so they know they are giving you the best care that they should.

05-02-16, 00:02
Thank you to both of you for replying. I really appreciate your support. I'm trying to take your good advice, and your replies have made me feel better. I just keep telling myself I feel better, and my cough is nearly gone. It's draining being this anxious and sad all the time. Thanks so much for taking the time to read and reply. :)

05-02-16, 04:52
Well that's good news as it sounds like you are on the mend.

I think it's likely that the blood was due to the coughing spells. And you said a little bit, so that easily be a blood vessel or other irritation.

05-02-16, 21:16
Thanks again. I suppose it's easier to dwell on the negatives when you are an anxious type. I have still got massive anxieties about this, but it helps to hear people's more rational viewpoint. I keep telling myself it's just procedure and hopefully, it's nothing scary, or it wouldn't have been helped by antibiotics. It's hard work staying on top of an anxious mind.

05-02-16, 21:58
I agree that the doctor is doing what he's supposed to do. With HA sufferers, had he ordered done the test you would have more "what ifs" bouncing around.

Positive thoughts