View Full Version : Finger twitching, I'm freaking out!!

04-02-16, 18:34
So I was on my way home from work today and my index finger on my right hand started twitching. It stopped and then started again once I got home and so far it seems to stop and start. My mind went into overdrive on the way home. I had myself convinced I had MS. Went to google my symptoms, and Parkinson's disease came up. I am freaking out.

Now my hand could be shaking and twitching for numerous reasons. I used a laptop all day in work today that had no mouse so it could be from that. I've always had a tremor in both hands (a genetic thing, all my mom's side have it too). And my dog was put to sleep today after a short illness so it could be from the shock of that too.

My heart is racing, I am freaking out! Can anyone help me out?

I am a 21 year old female if that helps too.

04-02-16, 20:16
I have random finger twitches all the time too. No idea why, but for some reason those don't bother me as much as all my other random health anxiety fears....go figure.

On a side note, I'm very sorry about your dog :( You could just be highly stressed and anxious due to a loss.

04-02-16, 20:32
I get twitches all over my body at random places. The past two its been my eye lids. Anxiety is the cause, I even saw a neuro over it.