View Full Version : Panicking about mixing painkillers

04-02-16, 20:05
I woke up this morning with a horrible headache and took two 500mg aspirins dissolved in water and then in a panic I took an ibuprofen (200mg) I also had a banana.

The combo made the headache go away but I'm incredibly panicked that I overdosed by taking these together. It was 4:40am and it's now 7am. Should I go to the hospital? Will drinking lots of water help? I'm foolish for not reading the boxes but the headache pain had me in a blind panic. Now I have no headache but I'm panicking!

05-02-16, 12:08
I wouldn't worry. Unless you start feeling really unwell then call your non-emergency line. In the UK we have 999 for emergency services for 101 for medical advice, maybe Australia has a similar thing?

Do you take any anxiety medication? If you do maybe stick to the one painkiller, for me I only take Ibuprofen, and even though it's ok to mix it with the medication I'm on, I leave a few hours gap between taking them.

06-02-16, 00:17
Thanks Natalie. I ended up calling the medicine hotline and spoke to a pharmacist. What I did wasn't gonna kill me but would be bad for the stomach long term. Obviously I'm not going to continue doing it. The anxiety of it all was the worst side effect as usual. Thanks again!