View Full Version : What the hell is wrong with me?!

04-02-16, 21:51
I think I'm a catastrophic mess. I hate coming home because I feel such irritation and anger as soon as I walk in the door aimed at my family and I don't understand it and I feel so attacked and impulsive and consumed I constantly want to run and escape. I hate it, I really really am scared of my responses etc I just can't cope at all I'm so dream like but highly sensitive at the same time I feel so out of control and don't know what to do anymore

05-02-16, 13:29
Hi elik, have you been to see your GP about your situation? talking to someone?
Must be something that has made you how you are feeling right now.
Talking about it may help.

05-02-16, 19:24
Hi Elik, talk to us - explain some more about the family situation and dreading going home. I get that too but I live alone and it is dread because of my intrusive thoughts.