View Full Version : Health anxiety and cancer fear

05-02-16, 00:47
Hello all. I'm 16 years old, and I'm having a lot of troubles with my health anxiety. This past week has been the worst of my life. It all started when I saw blood in my stool (I had the same thing a year and a half ago, but I ignored it because it stopped) and I inmediately googled it (one of my biggest problems). Of course the main thing I see is Colon Cancer. I started having all the other symptoms: abdominal cramps, constipation, thin stool, nausea, fatigue.. and everything went south when I saw I had lost weight without me trying. The panic was just too much. I kept googling and finding things, I couldn't concentrate on anything because I was constantly feeling everything that happened in my body. I was feeling pain in my right side abdomen, and of course when I google it: liver cancer. The panic wasn't just colon cancer, it was colon cancer that had spread to my liver now. I couldn't sleep and I spent all day crying. My mother took me to the GI and she told me not to worry about it because of my age, but that she would still do every test just to be sure.
I had an abdominal ultrasound done and my liver was fine. I felt a little relieved but not totally. I felt a little better for 2 days until I saw the doctor again, she asked for an x-ray (what a bad idea). I saw a little white spot in the x ray on my lungs, and I was now obssesed with lung cancer (that had spread from my colon). The panic started again. Then I saw another doctor, who tried to calm me down and explained that the white spot I saw was surely a blood vessel in my lung. Again, I felt a little relieved and my digestive symptoms appeared to calm down for a while until today. I woke up very nauseous (i'm still constipated) and I can feel a lump on my lower left abdomen. I can feel lots of lumps in my neck and I'm constantly touching it. I am now in a lot of panic again. I have a colonoscopy in about 10 days, which will answer my questions, but until them I really can't live like this. I'm really terrified of what the result will be. What if I actually have cancer? What if I could have saved my life if I had it checked a year and a half ago? This is a nightmare

I'm sorry for the long post, but I felt like I needed to tell someone about this.

05-02-16, 09:21
I'm exactly the same. At the age of 16 though, you must realise the likelihood of you having colon cancer, or cancer at all is next to zero. I'm not a doctor but in a year and a half I'm sure you would have many more symptoms and you'd be close to death if you had cancer for that long, so I don't think you should be worrying about that.

Anxiety is one of those ailments that affects EVERYTHING in your body, at least it feels this way. The digestive system is usually affected by anxiety, nausea, constipation and pain is quite common. I'd say continue to see your doctor if you are concerned, but I think health anxiety and anxiety in general is the problem here. There are lots of reasons as to why there could be blood on your stool, and if it was bright red it is most likely caused by a fissure.

05-02-16, 11:28
I'm exactly the same. At the age of 16 though, you must realise the likelihood of you having colon cancer, or cancer at all is next to zero. I'm not a doctor but in a year and a half I'm sure you would have many more symptoms and you'd be close to death if you had cancer for that long, so I don't think you should be worrying about that.

Anxiety is one of those ailments that affects EVERYTHING in your body, at least it feels this way. The digestive system is usually affected by anxiety, nausea, constipation and pain is quite common. I'd say continue to see your doctor if you are concerned, but I think health anxiety and anxiety in general is the problem here. There are lots of reasons as to why there could be blood on your stool, and if it was bright red it is most likely caused by a fissure.

I appreciate your answer. I really hope is just my mind making all the symptoms. I'm trying really hard to calm down my anxiety a bit.

05-02-16, 13:36
You're 16, too young to have HA. My advice is: when tests came out fine, stop worrying(Googling) and enjoy your life.