View Full Version : Tired Of Reading 60 and Over

05-02-16, 04:09
I am so sick of seeing those words in medical issues as being a problem. If you have this disease or that problem you will more than likely die from this or that if you are 60 or over. Young people think you are all safe if you are under 60.

I am here to tell you I have known more people die below 60 than most all the older people that I have ever met. I come from a family that the average person in my family on my mother's side passes away at 80 and on my father's side the average person passes away at 93..so put that in your pipe and smoke it.

I can hardly turn around without seeing articles of 20 something and 40 somethings dying all around me. I grew up with people from our previous generations living forever it seemed like.

I read about most people in history and they lived until they were in their eighties and nineties . They didn't even have the medical treatments available as we do now and they did fine.

I am just so sick of reading you are safe from sickness or death if you are young. That is a crock of crap. I have seen more death around me from the people I went to school with and younger than I ever saw that was dying from old age.

Even Ramses the second Pharaoh of Egypt lived until 93 and outlived over a hundred sons and sixty daughters.. So what does that tell you ? I am just really pissed that the medical profession and the media makes people so paranoid by adding to any symptoms that you are far more likely to die if one of your risk factors is being over 60..Yeah well they are crazy. I suppose that is why there is a St Judes...where they treat hundreds of thousands of children under 18 every year with the most horrendous cancers known to man and many of them do not make iit.

So the reason for my insane post is to get people to think when they post here and are trying to make others feel better.. don't BS others by saying "oh you are too young for this or that" its BS.. because just because you read it in the news or medical forums online or medical sites that you are pretty safe unless you are over 60 ,don't believe it. Like I said I have known more older people all my life that lived long lives and are healthy and strong and never had that many issues with health than I have younger people.

The media is a sensationalist BS'er ,Their motto is blood and guts sells Also the medical profession is all about money money money,,,If I am so crazy and you think I am nuts saying all this. Then how did people from history live long lives without our medicines and medical people?

It is an out and out lie that people back in history died at age 30 . It is a known fact that the lifespans then are the same as now . The only reason you would be dead at 30 back then is if you were in a plague or in conditions that put you at high risk for death, such as scurvy and poor water supplies in cites and also bad waste disposal..etc..

So think about that and also next time you tell someone here in a post that they are safe because they are young , I say BS BS BS.. do some research and think again.