View Full Version : Relieving symptoms

05-02-16, 12:24
Hi all! :)

Since getting frequent levels of high anxiety and panic attacks I've managed to control some symptoms to a certain degree. My main issue at the moment is that my legs go very weak, numb and I can't walk properly. If I can sort this out, I feel like I'll have my panic attacks under more control.

My panic attacks involve me needing to go into a toilet, as I have the urgent need to go and that has taken me 14 weeks to get to a very manageable level. But before, if I was stuck in a toilet, outside of home, the fear of not being able to walk back because my legs won't work properly scared me, and that fear is still there even if I have the toilet part under more control.

I will admit that the whole wobbly legs thing used to happen when I was younger and had panic attacks (breathing, need for the toiler wasn't there though), so I thought that if I can at least do some strength training to build up confidence with my legs??

Any techniques or any advice would be appreciated :flowers:

05-02-16, 17:50
I'm kinda like you in that I've been practicing getting some symptoms under control. Just today I had to go to a funeral and I could feel my heart rate up the whole time, but just kept telling myself, "it's okay, my heart has to go up for me to do anything" so that seemed to pass and I wasn't as concerned about my heart anymore. Then I started focusing on my legs and thinking about how wobbly they were and that maybe I should have worn tighter shoes. I remembered once how funny it was when I realized that everytime I thought my legs were jelly I would bolt out of there and that they worked perfectly fine getting me out. So I kinda laughed about that and also learned with CBT its a good practice to just feel your feet on the floor. I didn't let myself sit down though I wanted to a couple of times because I'm learning that is a safety behavior and just reinforces my thoughts. I know this symptom is hard to deal with because just walking from my vehicle to the building I thought my legs were shaky, but I kept standing and they did fine. Hope this helps some.

I still have safety behaviors, though, lots of them that I'm working on. I see yours is going to bathroom. I have to have water at all times no matter where I go.......and food in case my blood sugar drops, (even though I know it doesn't), but I'll continue working on them.

05-02-16, 19:15
I still have safety behaviors, though, lots of them that I'm working on. I see yours is going to bathroom. I have to have water at all times no matter where I go.......and food in case my blood sugar drops, (even though I know it doesn't), but I'll continue working on them.

It's amazing how much the mind influences our body, huh. I didn't think of trying the same techniques that help relieve panic with my legs though. I guess I presumed that because I get wobbly in high levels of anxiety, that by then I need to either sit through it (if I'm somewhere safe) or get out of the situation, even if it means staggering around like a drunk :roflmao:. So I've been at a loss for techinques, other than trying to control other areas of anxiety/panic, but I'll try the normal stuff then :D I'm glad they work for you.

Yeah, I carry around a toiletry bag with spare underwear and wipes just incase. But, I know that just having that comfort will mean my body will relax so much easier, and it's helped with the process of desentatizing the urgent need for the toilet. Food and water is a must for me, too. I think, aslong as it's an aid, and it's harmless there's no reason not to carry things around. Especially with sugar... I have panic attacks at my doctors and I had a minor one where I was getting dizzy and the doctor said to eat some biscuits... so I think sugar helps :>