View Full Version : fluoxetine 20mg for anxiety

05-02-16, 12:24
hi Annie from Leeds , how are all the fellow sufferers of panic disorder ? I've now finally given I to my doctor and taken her advice and began fluoxetine 20mg , I've been on them for 8 days now and feeling pretty relaxed , no anxiety for 8 days . But loss of appetite but trying to eat , feeling a bit like do t care less now and I used to be a right worrier. I believe they are working for me. Feeling a bit fussy headed but I can cope with that. Any thoughts ? Anyone doing well on fluoxjgine? :shrug:

05-02-16, 12:31
Hiya annieboo and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

06-02-16, 23:08
hey all, I am on day 4 of these, and although I was on them.in 2012/2013 I not taken any meds in over 12months
I am currently trying to remain calm but the feeling of panic are horrible,
I feel sick all the time, im.shaking like a leaf I go hot and cold,
after reading others post similar feeling I thought I would post mine
im on 20mg and I do not like the side effects, I am not looking for advice, or helpful hints, im posting for others who suffer and might also feel the same. this is a note to say its ok I know people will help and advice you if your feeling the same. thanks for reading this and I hope it helps others