View Full Version : Seroxat after 18 years - 20mg to 30mg

05-02-16, 17:01
Hi all!
I have a panic disorder which became full blown in my early twenties (as well as gad). The panic was full on extreme until I was prescribed paroxetine 20mg and despite the side effects initially (bloody awful but then so were the panic attacks) it totally sorted my life out. It stopped the agrophobia, the general anxiety and I got my life back and it has continued to be brilliant...until recently (18 years later)...Throughout the last 18 years there have been blips but very short lived, some mild panic attacks despite having some very stressful times and all in all great. However, a couple of weeks ago I had a very stressful encounter and my anxiety and panic have been through the roof - so bad it's making me physically sick and exacerbating the usual symptoms of panic. So, been to docs who has suggested upping the dose (and given me Diazapam for the sickness which I'm not going to take). So am now on 30mg - has this worked for any of you? Upping the dose? Are there likely to be side effects from increasing and how long do you think I'll start to notice a difference - Many thanks x:shrug:

07-02-16, 01:41

22-02-16, 21:58
I've been on paroxetine for at least 8 years, I made the mistake of trying to wean myself off and now most days (in work mostly) are hellish. Today I was anxious / high panic for the full working day and this has been happening on and off for months - I've been back on my regular dose (20mg) for a week and a half and I'm praying it kicks in soon.

I have to agree that even given it's side effects and extreme difficulty in coming off, paroxetine has helped me build relationships, get a degree (after ten years out of education) and a career.

I'm half resigned to being on this med for the long haul - how is your 30mg going?

23-02-16, 02:52
Hi - actually not too bad! Was incredibly tired and anxious on the up but now feeling much more settled (although I suffer with extreme sickness so am trying to cope with that) but my anxiety is far less again...Hurrah! How are you feeling?

23-02-16, 23:02
I was better today, hopefully a good sign - it's funny how you can feel worse on the up isn't it

29-02-16, 17:52
Hi ddraig - just wondered how you're feeling? I've had a bad couple of days and I'm 3 weeks in on increase xx

29-02-16, 23:06
Hey, I'll be three weeks back up to 20 on Wednesday. I'm having some rough days especially at work - had a lot of anxiety today. I'm sure i remember when i first started on them it took nearly a month so hopefully we'll see a difference soon!

01-03-16, 00:16
If it's anything like other SSRI's, it can take a few weeks for improvements to show. This includes increases in doses. You were thankful you rode out the bad side effects when you started, and that's probably what you've got to do this time. P.S. I'm upping on another SSRI, and suffering too. Wise move not to touch the Diazepam. I'm stuck taking it 3 times a day for the moment. Will hopefully wean off once antidepressant has kicked in properly.

01-03-16, 00:51
Hi wantpeace

Yes, it's very tricky toughing out the side effects window...you know you're gonna get there it's just the rubbish feeling whilst it goes on..I've definitely had some low days but also some good so hopefully the good will soon outweigh the bad (I am the most impatient person though) lol

Ddraig - good to hear you're still toughing it out - I'll catch up next week and we can compare notes - go us!

26-10-16, 05:42
Hi I have been on paxil/paroxetine/seroxat for 16 years at 30mg. recently my panic has come back and my doctor wants me to go up to40mgs. Does it help to increase the dosage after so many years? I am also afraid of the side effects.