View Full Version : Sudden anxiety mole

05-02-16, 17:35
I have been moving from one thing to another over the past few months, but have been doing better. I just wanted to share/discuss an experience.

4 weeks ago my daughter scratched a mole on my face - near my eyebrow. I never noticed it before, but because of the scratch I started looking at it more closely. I was pretty small, uniform color - but I had never noticed it. I started looking at old pics. In old pics it looked flatter until this summer. This summer it looked the same as it did - but if I look more than 12 months, it seems flat. Anyway - it was clearly the same as the summer. But I had never paid it any attention. Suddenly I was focused on it!
It had a hair growing, which relieved me. To me, logically it looked like an old mole. Older moles become more raised (mine) bigger (mine), lose pigment (mine was), and get hair.

Finally the part that she scratched fell off (with a bit of help). That area has healed, and I am left with a mole that is about 3mm/2mm, raised, and skin colored. I have been more anxious because the hair (which was very long) fell out.

I know - only a dermatologist can diagnosis me. I got annually, but mine is off sick so I have to wait till mid Feb to get an appt.

My issue is that I get in spurts where I am constantly checking it. I will think it looks ok - and then want to look again 5min later. This keeps repeating itself. Can anyone relate? I am going to try not to look, but it is right near my eye so it is hard not to see it. My issue is also that I have had this for months (at least) and never even noticed. Suddenly now it is bothering me.

05-02-16, 17:38
The hair has probably been pulled from the root when it was scratched. I've been told whether it has hairs or not is irrelevant.
They can grow, change colour or elevate. It's all normal and considering its been scratched it's bound to change.
Mention it at your next GP appointment just so they can put your mind at rest but sounds very normal to me.