View Full Version : Left temple headache?

05-02-16, 21:07
I've been having this weird headache for the past 4 days. The pain is located around my left temple, but it's not really painful like when I have a normal headache, it's like pressure and discomfort and sometimes it pulses... but like I said, it's not really a headache, it doesn't hurt that much. I feel the pressure usually at night, or when I lay down. What could this be?:huh: It freaks me out cause it happened every day for the last 4 days and it's always the same - at night and stays the whole night, until I wake up. I mean, I wake up and the discomfort is there, but when I stand up and start my day it goes away.. until it comes back again at night

05-02-16, 21:44
I had the exact same thing a few weeks ago. I started to wear my glasses when watching tv as I thought it was an eye related problem, but I don't think it helped. I think mine lasted about 5 days and then just went away. Hopefully yours will do the same. I put it down to climate change and air pressure causing it

06-02-16, 00:39
Had it for 6 months relentlessly on my right side, though
. I know the feeling of not a headache but a pressure. I never found out what it was but my brain scan found nothing. Whenever I got anxious, the feeling was there. I woke up every night with it, without fail. My only guess is it's a tight muscle in our neck or shoulder referring pain to the temple. If you turn your head to the side, a chunky muscle sticks out of your neck. I would gently massage it and it relieves the feeling. I also put heat on it, like a hot wheat bag or hot facecloth.

Could also be referred pain from tightness in your jaw. Mine would get so unbearable, I thought I was about to lose consciousness many times. It's an awful feeling! I spent months googling anxiety sites and didn't come up with much reassurance but now it seems more people have this odd sensation. I still get it from time to time but I don't panic about it anymore and the intensity is nowhere near what it used to be.

06-02-16, 20:21
Thanks... I hope it's nothing serious

07-02-16, 00:30
Trust me, I thought the worst and it made it feel 100 times more intense. Had to add re: the "chunky neck muscle" YouTube sternocleidomastoid massage so you do it correctly. Just a precaution :)

07-02-16, 00:34
are you biting/clenching your teeth together, I had lots of temple headaches and weird pressure feelings around my eyes and nose. turned out I was clenching my teeth together so hard at night I was straining my facial muscles, and I only bit down hard on one side of my mouth, my teeth don't fit together great

07-02-16, 13:47
I get this too but I think my biggest cause is I clench my jaw when I am anxious or even just without realizing it now out of habit. Not wearing my glasses 24/7 when I should probably doesn't help either. The pain is always on my left side too. Its tender to touch as well and sometimes it feels the pain spreads.