View Full Version : Another Brain Scan.

06-02-16, 07:13
I'm having another brain scan today. I had one about 18 months ago. Came back with lesions. But no further investigations. But then I had olfactory hallucinations (smelled weird smells) so I'm having another brain scan with dye today.

I'm not scared of the scan, just the wait of results. The last time I had a false sense of security. The neurologist didn't get back to me and I thought the scan was OK. It wasn't until my appointment 4 months later that I was told I had lesions. My blood test results two months later. The neurologist I am seeing isn't actually a neurologist but a hired doctor (checked upon them) so that could be the reason for the results delay.

To go through this again, is frightening. We can control our minds on what we think but we can't control what is going on in our bodies.

06-02-16, 10:16
What sort of lesions? What made you have the scan in the first place x

06-02-16, 21:10
Thanks for asking.

They (lesions) are unspecified. Apparently some people get them no reason, a lot of people get them as they get older. I started of with mild sensory problems but I had headaches well, actually head pains. I don't want to give symptoms as sharing ain't always caring with health anxiety.

I had the scan, this morning. It's now the wait.

09-02-16, 16:32
Anything new?

09-02-16, 19:42
Hope all goes well x

09-02-16, 21:31
I had exactly this about 17 years ago with my first ever mri brain scan that was checking for accoustic neuroma due to balance problems. The only thing it showed were ms type lesions but not in the places associated with ms! I had this hanging over me for about 10 years with repeat scans every few years and guess what nothing ever changed. They then eventually realised that loads of people have these lesions on mri and they mean absolutely nothing.

09-02-16, 22:37
4 months later????? I had a brain MRI in december and I knew the results the next morning. 4 months is an unacceptable amount of time to wait

10-02-16, 08:16
I have several of these lesions too! Was scared about MS, of course, but had a repeated MRI in 7 months, which showed no changes. So no MS!
These lesions are much more common in general population then previously expected.
Good luck with your results!