View Full Version : Well i did it !

27-02-07, 20:42
Well I did it i went on my vacation and I am still here jsut got back a yesterday. I was so worried about the ride there it wasnt funny. It took us like 12 hours to get where we were going. I had a few panic attachs when i was there but i ended up being fine. I had my rescue remedy which helped a bit. I think the thing that helped the most was not thinkinbg about it. That was easy cause i was bussy alot with driving and every thing. I am glad we went though we are thinking of moving there. Only thing that really got to me was the kids they just wouldnt sleep going there and on the way back they were awake most of the time. I have also been trying to ween myself off the medication that is becoming harder then i thought. But i know i will do it still a little skepital about my health but i have a feeling that will all pass too i hope.:) :p

27-02-07, 21:03
Well done you James! I'm sure it was worth it

03-03-07, 00:50
Hi James.
Well Done! Keeping yourself busy and distracted is a good thing. In the past I have found myself waiting for something to happen. Distracting myself really works. I also use rescue remedy when I need to. It really helps me stay in control. I'm on meds too but not coming off yet. Keep it up. :-)