View Full Version : Never ending fear

06-02-16, 14:42
Why is it a never ending battle , I'm only happy when I can go to sleep because I'm free from my worries , I'm in a serious ocd battle I cannot stop checking my breast lump (which the doc said was fatty tissue ) I've asked 3 friends to feel it and all say they can't feel anything . I've called my surgery and asked the dr to refer me to the breast clinic it's the only way I get any reassurance. It's so tough, and you feel so selfish that people are actually facing these illnesses and doing a better job than us with our worries. I'm waiting for my therapy to start, I chased it up yesterday.I wish I could stop prodding and poking but I literally can't help it , it's like my body is making me do it :-( x:weep: