View Full Version : Bone infection fear

06-02-16, 14:45
I posted yesterday about having a very painful area on the bone of my nose. I thought my nose looked a little puffy that side this morning and the pain had not improved so I rang the out of hours service and got an appt with an out of hours GP BUT this GP turned out to be my old GP from years ago when my HA was at its worst and she made no pretense of understanding HA and was always very dismissive of me. I was horrified to find it was her!

She as expected made it clear she thought I was wasting her time as my nose was only slightly swollen and not red and she could see nothing inside to explain the pain. She said maybe there was a boil or something out of sight so gave me some antibiotic cream and said to see my normal GP if no improvement.

I am now worrying that I have an infection in the bone of my nose that she has missed. Does anyone know if a bone infection would cause lots of swelling in somewhere like your nose. I cannot believe that anything not serious would be causing so much pain.

06-02-16, 15:05
I had that last week felt bruised to touch , it lasted about a week and cleared up , I put it down to a spot i couldn't see , isn't it wierd how different ailments worry different people , give it a few days it'll clear up x

06-02-16, 15:41
Hey lovely I have a bone condtion and a few years ago I actually did have a bone infection in one of my feet .
You know it's there it was red swollen and burned like hell .
Within hours it got worse and worse it doesn't stay the same it would get worse .

I was in hospital for a week then on antibiotics for two months with regular blood texts .
She would also most likely see something on the inside as its a sever infection for it to get to the bone .
I am sorry about her attitude to Anxiety and sorry I wasnt much help but truly when I had my bone infection it was obvious x
Take care x

06-02-16, 15:59
boils hurt like crazy, use the cream and give it time to work.

06-02-16, 17:45
Thanks all. Superworrier thanks for your description of bone infection, I know in my heart of hearts that this would cause severe symptoms not just pain but its good to be reminded.
Unless there is a dramatic change then I will give it a few days to see if it improves before going back to my GP.

06-02-16, 18:33
No problem my love .
You have done the same for me many times :hugs:

06-02-16, 20:34
Isn't it funny how we can be totally rational and reassure others but then lose it all when its ourselves.

07-02-16, 06:05

As you explained in the AML thread, you have some issues in your life right now that are bound to be pushing your anxiety and you may need a bit more support at the moment so don't feel bad about this.

That GP, well, just ignore dinosaurs like that. Their opinions don't count. (about mental health)

And in terms of pain, there are so many things that can cause a lot of pain and they don't have to be life threatening or things like you are worrying about. Anxiety makes them seem much worse anyway and the Secondary pain reaction is well known i.e. we increase the intensity of symptoms by our reactions.

07-02-16, 11:30
The pain description is interesting as I seem to feel any pain as excruitiating. I have been told that my spinal damage could be the cause as anyone with chronic pain their nervous system becomes hypersensitive to stimulus but it would not surprise me if the anxiety head is also contributing as well.

I even find the prick of having a blood test agonisingly painful for that second whereas my husband says he hardly feels it.