View Full Version : Constant pins and needles in foot

07-02-16, 10:06
So just over a week ago I had leg pain for 2 days. I then went for a walk which got rid of the leg pain but caused me to have pins and needles in my foot that just won't go away. Sometimes it gets better but I'm always aware of it being there. Has anyone else experienced something similar? X

07-02-16, 10:30
Sounds very much like Sciatica

07-02-16, 10:45
That's what the dr said. I'm just so scared of a blood clot at the moment. Doctors have looked at my leg and tell me there is no clot but I can't seem to trust them. I'm trying to find somewhere that does private d dimer tests and have an ultrasound booked in for Tuesday

07-02-16, 11:02
I know its difficult when you have constant symptoms going on but honestly it is classical sciatica and your dr has confirmed this.

07-02-16, 13:18
I've got neck pain as well and after reading some one else's post I'm now in a state that ice had a stroke and will have more. I hate all this

07-02-16, 18:55
I get aches and ;pains in neck, shoulders,hips. this wet windy weather always inflames such things..

07-02-16, 21:55
My midwife wants me to see the dr tomorrow anyway so I'll mention it all then to hopefully get it off my mind

07-02-16, 22:03
for 10 days over xmas I had pins and needles in both hands and feet!! doctors couldn't find anything lol I was in such a state over it!

08-02-16, 08:55
Thanks half-empty, that's made me feel better. I just feel so out of control of my body at the moment