View Full Version : Could this be sinus trouble?

07-02-16, 17:45
I posted yesterday about my very sore area of bone on nose with my fears of bone infection. I am now thinking maybe sinus problem as today the area is not as painful but the other side of my face keeps feeling intense pressure in my cheek/bahind nose and in my ear with itchy ear.

This is making we wonder if its all sinus related although i still can't understand how a sinus problem can cause an area of bone in your nose to be so painful!

Will see what happens next!

07-02-16, 17:51
I posted yesterday about my very sore area of bone on nose with my fears of bone infection. I am now thinking maybe sinus problem as today the area is not as painful but the other side of my face keeps feeling intense pressure in my cheek/bahind nose and in my ear with itchy ear.

This is making we wonder if its all sinus related although i still can't understand how a sinus problem can cause an area of bone in your nose to be so painful!

Will see what happens next!

Could well be! I've had all of the same symptoms for a while, but with ear pain as well.. Several Drs have told me sinus problems.. the only person who said that my pain wasn't due to sinus problems was the ENT consultant I saw on Tuesday! Like I said on a previous thread, he wasn't actually a great listener and I felt like I was on some kind of speed-dating schedule.. 5 mins and you're out!

I know several people with sinus problems and they all report the same symptoms as me and you. Bet your GP would say the same! xx


07-02-16, 17:58
this was one of my problems when I started with anxiety this time, I actually made my nose bone very painful by prodding it checking if it still hurt. I was so tense that I was holding my head in a weird way that caused the muscle on one side of my neck to get really short and tight causing pressure on one side of my face and back of my head. its the scm muscle was really interesting to google. pinching it can actually re create a headache. not saying that's what you have and that you don't have a sinus issue but this went on off and on for 4 months and was worse out in public, I was involuntarily tensing when I was nervous lol

07-02-16, 17:59
this was one of my problems when I started with anxiety this time, I actually made my nose bone very painful by prodding it checking if it still hurt. I was so tense that I was holding my head in a weird way that caused the muscle on one side of my neck to get really short and tight causing pressure on one side of my face and back of my head. its the scm muscle was really interesting to google. pinching it can actually re create a headache. not saying that's what you have and that you don't have a sinus issue but this went on off and on for 4 months and was worse out in public, I was involuntarily tensing when I was nervous lol

Did it cause any ear probs, H-E? xx

07-02-16, 18:03
yes my right ear, same side as all the others, often felt like something was in it and I woul get shooting pains in my ear and my eye! I was terrified. I also had some tmj issues going on aswell not grinding but more holding teeth together very tight and dentist said sure sign of stress and could have also been another reason why I was having all the pressure from inflamed jaw muscles! so crazy what stress can do!

dizzy daisy
07-02-16, 19:18
That's like issues I have too. I have migraine but I also have horrible sinus pressure and sensitivity to changes in temperature etc which can set this off. Painful around Jose and pressure behind cheeks/ eyes. I'm wondering if my issues are also related to tension as the large muscle in my neck feels bruised to the touch and I know this can definitely trigger headaches. I have on and off dizziness too the last few months which the physio thinks could well be related to tension in my neck and shoulders xx

07-02-16, 19:55
Interesting as I have severe neck damage meaning my neck muscles are always in spasm. I have in the past had alot of strange head symptoms with pressure sensations in face or ears and odd sensations like insects crawling up my face/temple or feeling as if something is crawling around my scalp and was told these were all due to the tense muscles/pinched neck nerves but haven't had them for a few years.

I now feel as if I have some sort of cold virus as my nose is drippy, I have that tenderness at back of nose/throat and my face feels very full so will be interesting to see if I develop full blown cold or not.

I still don't know and can't understand how this could give me a painful area in my nose bone but its no way as painful as it has been as these other symptoms have come out???

dizzy daisy
07-02-16, 20:00
It sounds like you may be coming down with something Hun with that feeling in nose and throat. There's so many horrid viruses about at the minute xxxx

07-02-16, 20:03
I have been surrounded for weeks with people ill with coughs/colds and chest infections, my friend spent a week housebound she was so ill and I have been thinking how good I had been not catching anything!

I have to go in an mri scanner tomorrow lunchtime so please send no coughing vibes my way until after the scan! I wonder if you are allowed to sniff:)

It will be interesting to see if my nose pain improves if a full blown cold/sinus thing comes out?

dizzy daisy
07-02-16, 21:03
Good luck for tomorrow with the scan. Xxx

07-02-16, 21:17
I am already getting the really dry throat that chokes you - talk about "sod's law" and all that.

07-02-16, 21:44
well I hope it clears up for you soon and good luck with your mri scan tomorrow, whats it for if you don't mind me asking?

07-02-16, 22:30
mri is of my shoulder because I have had a problem since end of summer and physio has not helped much.

07-02-16, 22:33
well good luck hun hope its something that's easily remedied :)

07-02-16, 23:46
I get a similar experience; every day around 2 or 3 pm I get like a pressure feeling across my nose bridge. Certain lightings make the problem worse. I dunno if it's sinus or what. But it happens during lectures and I can't focus for the life of me.

08-02-16, 09:35
Hate sinus things! Waves of pressure in middle of face and into forehead. My nose is not running much but face feels full as if it might start to run and I feel very woolly headed and a bit dizzy.