View Full Version : Popping sensation

07-02-16, 21:44
I'm just wondering if anyone else has this . I've been getting a popping sensation in centre of chest and it cause me to have panic attack and automatically think heart related
It doesn t just it just feels like something popping in there. I had a stress test done 10 days ago and it was normal so I think that a good sign for heart but I'm just hoping somebody else gets this.xx

07-02-16, 22:04
does it happen when you move or when your a still? my partners chest pops a lot when he moves, has done for as long as he can remember

10-02-16, 07:14
Hello ella. I got this a couple of weeks ago. I was brushing my daughter's hair them felt a pop in the center if my chest and got a sharp pain under my left breast. I immediately thought it was heart related as well. The pain only lasted a minute. The next day it was achy. I talked to my ob about it since I'm currently pregnant and he said that what basically happened was that I popped my rib since they're connected to the breastbone. He compared it to finger popping. Hope that made sense.