View Full Version : Head Pains

24-09-04, 14:57
Can someone give me some advice? Over the last few weeks Iv been gettin these aches in my head, more often than not I get them when I stand up but over the last couple of days they have been coming more frequent. I could be just sat there and they will come on me.
Iv been told that its just tension but im not sure.
Are they comin more frequent because I am worrying about them?
Im startin to panic about them now. Does anybody else get aches and pains in their heads like I do?

24-09-04, 15:42
It is tension and tension is our worst enemy. Your head is made up of muscles and when they are tensed for so long they contract and you will find you have shooting pain, pain like a knife is drilled in. You may also find that it is like a elastic band around your head. Our bodies are over sensitive as it is. We feel things others would normally brush off. I had these head pains for a long time - some time ago. It was only after seeing a Physlogist that I was convinced and then they magically disappeared over a few days.
Don't worry if advil or pain relievers don't help because you are the one
that can take them away with relaxing.
Don't worry, and don't think about it, try and accept the pain and that is do something when it happens to advoid thinking about it and it will disappear.

Hopes this helps,

24-09-04, 15:51
hello there,

I used to get those head pains just like you describe. The more I thought about them, the more of them I got. So, I'm pretty sure that panicking about them isn't going to make them go away. Try to distract yourself and forget about them and I'm sure that they will gradually disappear...

Sarah :D

24-09-04, 17:01
I often get the pains you are describing in my head and I found out quite by accident (my boiler packed in whilst I was taking a shower!!) that massaging my scalp under a constant spray of cool water helps a lot! When I feel the head pains coming on, I hold my head under the shower head for at least 5 minutes and massage my scalp with my fingertips. It really does stop the pains in their tracks! It may not work for everyone but its worth a try! :)

24-09-04, 17:10
A back neck and head massage often sorts it out for several weeks at a time

Its an extremely common anxiety symptom.


It is impossible to get out of a problem by using the same kind of thinking that it took to get into it.
- Albert Einstein.

24-09-04, 18:53
Hi Kelley

Pains in your head are stress related and tension does cause it to be worse.

The more you think about it the worse the symptoms will feel as you will be solely worrying about it and then you will start to panic, which in turn will make you worry more about it been something more than just headaches.

Please dont dwell on them as that will make you feel worse. Have you thought about going to the doctor to get checked out then you at least have the security of knowing you are fit and well otherwise.

Love Sal xxxxx

24-09-04, 23:42
Hi Kelley

had these also, there very uncomfrotable, at the time I was visisting my dentist who suggested that I was prone to grinding my teeth and suggested a mouth guard, got one made up and within a few weeks everything was fine.

Take care

25-09-04, 10:08
Hi Kell

I get the same head pains, infact I've had them for the last couple of days, as everyone says it's all the tension in your body and you certainly have had a lot of that these last few weeks chuck with everything that's been going on in your life.

Onc you know that they are harmless the tension should begin to subside.

Take care mate,

Elaine x

P.S Enjoy your night out tonight !

25-09-04, 11:23
are you sure these are not head aches or migranes, iv been getting a few migranes my self, from SCHOOL!

Scooter Girl

if i was hungry would you feed me, if i fell you help me up, if i was crying would you brush away my tears

26-09-04, 18:56
Thanx for all ur advice peeps, youve been a real help, im gonna go to the dentist cuz i keep grindin my teeth as well, see if he can do anythin for me