View Full Version : Silly Question, I know....

08-02-16, 00:41
Not sure what thread to put this in so I will start here. I am a big time pharmaphobe. Struggle with taking anything I have never taken before because I don't know how it will make me feel. Doc prescribed 10 mg of Lexapro....took one pill and convinced myself it was making me panic. Couldn't take another. Thanks in part to this forum I have started to get my daytime panic under control. But I am still having a hard time sleeping at night....like I can't turn off my brain and I wake up 2-3 times a night with mild anxiety.

Here is the silly question....I bought some Sleepy time Tea at the market today. It has Chamomile...lemongrass...and mint. How does Chamomile make you feel? Do you feel drugged or anything weird like that? Would like to try a cup before bed tonite and don't want it sending me into a panic. Haven't even been able to bring myself to try Melatonin because of the fear... 😞 Thanks for any advice!

08-02-16, 00:49
Chamomile :yesyes:

Also this is a big tip: don't eat anything or play around with your phone/computer/ipad THREE HOURS BEFORE BED! I know I know it's hard but if you have trouble sleeping that is almost certainly a contributing factor.

08-02-16, 00:51
I have heard that about the electronics. Super difficult for me because I am definitely a technology addict....I even have an E-Reader....which I have to read before falling asleep at night �� You do make a good point though. Something to work on definitely.

So Chamomile doesn't make you feel weird or anything? I know it's herbal so not like a drug....but I don't want to "feel" drugged either. Thanks ☺

08-02-16, 00:54
Me too! I always play with my phone while I'm trying to sleep. Some nights it doesn't matter and I can still sleep after screen exposure but sometimes I will literally sit there till 2 am because my brain is confused and doesn't know how to go to sleep. Hehe.

And chamomile doesn't really make me feel like anything, it's just kind of a soothing scent. It doesn't alter any physical or emotional sensations for me or really produce any side effects. It's just a soothing aroma:) and it smells yummy.

08-02-16, 00:57
Ok cool. I am just reminding myself it's a food and not a medicine....that way maybe I won't freak hahaha. Thank you for the advice. I appreciate it!!

08-02-16, 00:59
Totally! Just try to remember that your brain is soooooooooooo much more powerful than any drug side effects you could experience. It's a horrible, horrible, bittersweet thing. But tell yourself "I'm taking this to RELAX, and nothing I can conjure up in my head is gonna come between that!"

Good luck:)

08-02-16, 01:06
I'm with you, I have a hard time with the drug thing. I've tried a couple and I always feel it hurts me more than helps but I know many people who do very well on meds. We're all different.
I'm a big fan of chamomile tea as well as peppermint tea. No, you won't feel drugged. However, don't drink too much too close to bedtime or you will wake up needing to pee several times.
I also find listening to relaxing worship music while I'm getting ready to sleep really helpful.

08-02-16, 01:15
I actually just downloaded an app the other night that plays rainshowers. I thought that helped as well. We sleep with fans on in our bedroom for noise....but I felt like the sound of the rain really helped me relax more. Maybe between that and the tea I will have a more restful nights sleep!!

08-02-16, 01:26
Chamomile is harmless and works well
I tried Melatonin and it put me to sleep but didn't stop me from waking during the night

08-02-16, 01:32
That's good to know. I feel like such a chicken....my 16 year old daughter takes Melatonin regularly. I am 36 and can't bring myself to take it....ugh.

08-02-16, 05:16
For an IBS and HA sufferer like me Chamomile is safe. But I get weird symptoms when I consume something with mint.

09-02-16, 09:28
The issue with screens is blue light. I remember reading about this one day in a mag. The blue light triggers a chemical response to wake up. You can get filters to change it to a different form of light to get around it. Ereaders should be ok though. There are apps which change the light too.

I think the other issue though is getting wound up posting things and getting too involved. I can have that problem.

09-02-16, 11:36
I've been making a conscious effort to put down the phone a bit before bedtime. I did try the Chamomile tea the other night....and woke up once an hour through the night. Not blaming the tea, could have been any number of other factors but regardless I was hoping it would do a little more than it did!

Last night was a little better though. So....progress hopefully!!