View Full Version : Breast node scared advice please

08-02-16, 01:49
I'm trying very hard to be calm about this and so far doing pretty well, but could really use advice. Ivr had ha for 3 years started with a lump in my left breast that was a Fibradenoma. Since then I've been scared if all cancers. Two weeks ago I felt a small, pea sized or smaller, lump in my right breast near the armpit and sort or over the armpit/rib bone. I had had a clinical breast exam at my yearly gyno appt 3 days earlier, but thus lump can't be felt lining down. As i have ha I spent 3 days obsessively poking, my hubby couldn't feel it. The lump felt different with my arm in different positions. I went back to dr who felt it and wasn't too worried but recommended mammo and ultrasound, his mom had BC and died of it he told me so he's cautious. He thought it might be a lymph node that scared me as I haven't been sick at all so why a papable node. He described it as a .5 cm mass, so half a cm. Next day I had a 3 D mammo and ultrasound at Lennox hill in Manhattan. The exam took 2 hrs As they couldn't get good images on Ultra right away. I was freakung out. Then I hear radiologist says probably lymph node not concerned but come back in 6 months for mammo to make sure no change. I left pretty happy. My gyno Called later to give report told me monitoring is standard. Saud he'd refer he ti surgeon fir peace of mind if I wanted but he didn't think it was. Necessary I said no. Friday letter from hospital arrived. Saying I had "believed to Fe benign" results but needed a recheck mammo in 6 months to make sure no changes. It also said I had dense breasts which makes cancer more difficult to detect and can increase risk. New York State law requires women be told if they had dense breasts. I wasn't suprised as I'm relatively young and my mom has this but it scared me.

I've been trying not to worry but it's hard. My aunt gas BC diagnosed at 49 or 50. My mom who worsens my ha told me about 3 of her cousins who had BC. Two at young ages. None of these are first degree restive of course. My mom always scares me. She has health issues galore abs wants to die. She often says she worries she will outlive me. She's 69. My dad passed from kidney cancer.

Last few days I've been examine my breSts a lot. The right one, the one with the lump, seems much lumpier and thicker then left to me. I also feel some ropy possible thickness towards my armpit and something like a tendon. But I'm not sure if it's new or concerning thickness. I know this Breast has always been lumpier then the other. My boob and armput and arm are also a tiny bit sore nod. I've never had kids and I dribk wine, usually a bottle Saturday night. If I'm off work, I teach, I have a bottle 2 or 3 nights a week. I'm by no means an alcoholic but I know this raises my risk a bit.

I just can't figure why my node us palpable. I haven't been sick. I'm on lo Loestrin Fe BC pills abs don't get a period so it's not hormonal. Please has anyone had anything similar. I know I've been well tested with mammo and ultra but I'm still a bit nervous.

08-02-16, 02:40
Lymph nodes can pop up even when you don't feel sick. Your body could still be fighting an infection. They can also pop up from a bug bite or other skin injury. I've also heard they can be caused by allergies but that's up for debate.

08-02-16, 02:45
Well I'm sure I've no bug bite or skin injury. Can they just be palpable. I'm not sure if this is new or I just never felt it

08-02-16, 02:58
It could just be that you never noticed before. Since you've had a few scans and nobody is rushing you for a biopsy, I wouldn't be worried about it. I know this is easier said than done. I have a few lymph nodes that are palpable which started all my health anxiety.

08-02-16, 03:03
It could just be that you never noticed before. Since you've had a few scans and nobody is rushing you for a biopsy, I wouldn't be worried about it. I know this is easier said than done. I have a few lymph nodes that are palpable which started all my health anxiety.

Thank u just hearing that helps