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View Full Version : Obsessed with my high blood pressure. Scared!

08-02-16, 03:54
Hi all!

Right now I've been dieting for about a month. I'm down from close to 300lbs to about 285. (Give or take) I'm 29 years old, and I'm active (walking) at least 3 days a week. I also try to sneak Zumba in there once a week. But it's a little hard for me, being so overweight. And last time I got a splitting migrane right at the end so now I'm gunshy about attending again.

My problem is my blood pressure... Last month when I started dieting my readings would be like.. eh... anywhere from 140-150/90-105.

Lately my readings have been between 125-146/85-96. The lowest I've seen (or at least remember) was like 128/83

My bottom number is just still too high. Consistently I get readings around 140/93 give or take a few points on the top and bottom. And it worries me greatly. I know I need to get that number below 80. I've gone vegetarian, I'm diligent about my sodium intake (sometimes I go wild but it's a rarity), I exercise... I try hard to keep my stress levels low. I'm currently not medicated for the BP. I'm trying to lose weight first.

What else can I do? Anything? I'm worried I've been damaging my heart and arteries. And I'm past the point of fixing myself. Some days I just want to quit because I'm not seeing the improvement I want. Also I don't have access to a doctor right now. *Sigh*

08-02-16, 03:57
Patience and keep working!

Positive thoughts