View Full Version : Anyone with uti

08-02-16, 09:35
Hi all anybody there that can relate please, i had uti since lastweek i was given antibiotics and after 4 days symptoms lessen and felt better until this morning when i pee, after i am done i felt pain on my lower abdomen up to my lower back much like a period type of pain, it stayed there and got me worried, and this time i felt sore and dull achey on that same abdominal area, is it thesame symptoms or is it an ovary this time i am really in to worried state right now, can anybody talk to me please? Thank you

---------- Post added at 09:35 ---------- Previous post was at 07:23 ----------


08-02-16, 11:25
Hi pepperutchie

I came on the forum today to discuss stubborn utis. I had one over New Year, was prescribed Cefalexin and it went after a week. 3 weeks later, had the same symptoms again: burning, lower abdo pain, frequency and urgency. Tried to self-treat and didn't want to take more antibiotics. However, after 6 days it took a turn for the worse and it got to the point where I was in the bathroom 8 times an hour and having bladder spasms. I rang the GP in desperation (and I NEVER go to the doctor as I am scared of them). He prescribed Cipro and has got me to send a sample to the lab. After a day on Cipro, symptoms eased considerably, but on day 3 they started coming back. Now I am on day 5 (last day of course) and still have pain, burning and lower abdo discomfort. I'm getting really worried it is antibiotic resistant.

Did your doc sent a sample to the lab for antibiotic sensitivity?

08-02-16, 12:35
Hi Darwin, my Dr didnt ask me for sample cause i just talk to him on the phone i too am afraid of hospitals.. Im really worried now

---------- Post added at 12:35 ---------- Previous post was at 12:33 ----------

I still have one more day for the antibiotic

08-02-16, 12:53
I had uti in October not felt quite right since then although was reassured by nurse I was on the right antibiotic for the ecoli they found and last week my wee had a pink tinge and im petrified I have bladder cancer. have doctors again on Friday to get meds for anxiety, shes going to think im loopy when I start throwing all this stuff at her again

08-02-16, 13:14
I only talked to my Dr on the phone too pepper. But he asked me to deliver a sample to the hospital for testing. I am too scared to ring for results.

half-empty, I typically get 2-3 UTIs a year, so I would think you may just have another infection. If your only symptom was a pink tinge last week, there are several foodstuffs that can do that to you eg beetroot

08-02-16, 13:17
I posted a question about it lol I had eaten a pinky/purple activia yogurt just before bed with purple carrot extract concentrate in it ( I checked haha ) same stuff that turns beetroot pink and I was told it was most likely blood :unsure:

08-02-16, 13:32
I would doubt it was blood if it just happened the morning after eating the yogurt with the food colouring in. Obviously, if it happens again for no reason or you get UTI symptoms, just get a urinalysis at your GP to put your mind at rest. Beetroot does horrible things to my urine!

08-02-16, 13:37
my second pee looked normal and everyone since but you know google, bladder cancer my only show up mild bleeding once and then maybe not again for months! im 27 for god sake I shouldn't be this worried about my health :weep: my baby is only 6 months ive hardly enjoyed being a mum with all this constant worry

08-02-16, 14:37
I used to work for a Urology dept. Seriously, you are definitely not in the right demographic for bladder cancer. Please don't worry and let it spoil your enjoyment of your new baby. I have been where you are as a new mum and sometimes anxiety can be magnified at this time. My kids are older now, but I wish I could go back and enjoy them as babies again :)

08-02-16, 15:23
i try so hard to ignore things but I really havnt felt right since this baby, for the last 6 weeks + of my pregnancy I was told I had blood traces in urine and it would be sent away only to come back clear and I was told not to worry. so I didn't, until October when I got cystitis, and since then its been constant trips to the loo on some days and nightmares where im told I have cancer of the bladder and bowel :scared15: its had me in such a mess! thank you for your support and I apologise to the op I feel ive taken over your post:blush:

08-02-16, 16:30
OP, I had a similar thing and my doc pretty much told me it was a UTI or something where the ovary leaks a little blood when ovulating - not dangerous, just painful. I wish I could remember the name of it....mettleschmertz or metzschmertz or something like that. He gave me antibiotics in case of UTI and it did clear up, but I had no blood in my urine just pain (like a dull ache) when I pressed in that area.

Is there any way you can manage to see him? It may be helpful for him to examine you in person.

08-02-16, 22:35
Thanks Poppy i will see him if this doesnt improve it reaaly sends my anxiety to the roof.

09-02-16, 03:55
Glad to hear I am not alone! I had a uti a few weeks ago, took Cephalexin for a week, felt better for a day then started getting symptoms again. The weird part is that it hasn't gotten worse (been two weeks since), and several cultures have come back negative. I have a new round of antibiotics just in case but am hesitant to take them as I'm 9 weeks pregnant. This whole uti thing is so confusing at times!

You should submit a sample to put your mind at ease. Also, it's not uncommon for my symptoms to linger after I take antibiotics for uti (it just doesn't normally last this long!).