View Full Version : Changed from sertaline to mirtazapine

Linda 10
08-02-16, 11:43
Doc changed me to mirt 15mg it seemed to help but know 5 week in starting to feel a little anxious again has this happened to anyone else mind doc is talking about me goin back 2 work and just found out my little dog is having pups Linda xx

08-02-16, 21:48
Hi, I switched from Citalopram to Mirt and for the first 2 and a half weeks it seemed great but then I became anxious again and seemed to become depressed in a way I hadn't experienced before. After approx 12 weeks I was in a bad way so the psych added Venlafaxine so now I'm on both and I have improved loads. Not sure if the Mirt is doing anything or if it's just the Ven or the combination of the two and mine is only one experience amongst many. I hope you don't feel pressured into going back to work too soon.

09-02-16, 01:13
I'm on 15mg, which is considered a low dose as I'm sure you're aware. I never found it eliminates anxiety, it just help keep it at a managable level.

09-02-16, 14:40
I was just the same IS THERE HOPE. I'd taken it after my divorce at every dose and ende dup a mess. Then my doctor suggested trying it again a couple of months or so back saying it was probs my divorce that made me feel so ill not the Mirt but I felt myself feeling great for about 4 weeks then it just totally popped out like last time. My mood started going down and my anxiety up, so I tapered myself completely off about a week ago and haven't had any real bad withdrawal thank goodness this time. The prob is I am on nothing now as they put me cold turkey through Lorazepam wd last June and that has been bad! I want to go on Citalopram as it is the only drug that has ever got me really well but they won't reinstate benzo's and I get panic attacks starting up on SSRI's so I am on nothing and am off to the United Stated in June to be with my bf. I dunno what to do as if I am ill I won't be able to go so was hoping ot get on something before I went and then ask for 6 months supply to take with me. But my BF was actually on an AD and Klonopin, came to live here and still managed to get them prescribed by my GP but when he went back to the USA he had no medical insurance so tapered off and says he has never felt so great being meds free as tablets just make you feel worse. I dunno about that but I am praying here!

09-02-16, 16:06
Hi Linda,

Hope this message finds you well? I'm starting the transition from Sertraline 150mg to Mirtazapine 30mg today so fingers crossed its a smooth transition!

Wish me well, I hope your anxiety abates soon!

09-02-16, 22:10
Hope the transition goes ok for you Messenger. Are you cross tapering?

All the best to you and Linda.

Linda 10
09-02-16, 22:35
Thank you all for the reply so not feeling to bad to day went to see oc health on Friday and she almost said I will be back to work when my sick note runs out at the end of February don,t know about that will only go back when I am ready Thanks all Linda. Xx

09-02-16, 23:55

I was reading about cross tapering but haven't quite decided yet, I think I'll see how the rapid reduction/withdrawal goes? If I struggle in week 2 (which is quite likely) I'll start the Mirtazapine early along side the lower dose of Sertraline! It's all a bit of a guessing game really, got to be mindful of how I'm actually feeling and act acordingly?

Could you speak to your employer about a phased return i.e. Reduced hours/duties to help you back into work? Maybe refer them to the "Fit for Work" initiative (fitforwork . org) or have the GP make such recommendations. Anything to help you and your health above all else!