View Full Version : Relapse prevention

08-02-16, 14:20
Hey all,

So, having had six weeks of really blissful drama-free living, I'm now starting to feel anxiety symptoms again, after a tough week.

Obviously I'm keen to nip this in the bud and would love to hear your strategies of how you face down the occasional blip. I'm trying very hard to keep my chin up but am just starting to feel tearful again and it's so disheartening. I'm scared about the future and feeling bad. I keep reminding myself it's a lapse, not a relapse, but it would be good to know how you manage this kind of thing.

Hit me with your iron-clad relapse-prevention strategies, O experts and fellow sufferers!

Lots of love

B x

08-02-16, 16:30
I remember about 1 year ago I watched a video (here it is (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdzPp9cRKN0)) from Gangaji, a teacher and author, who talked about "simply stop looking for what you want". At first the video came accross as very pretentious but then I continued watching and thought about what she said, and something kind of "clicked" in my mind, and I realized that what she was saying was totally true.

Every time that anxiety tries to make a comeback, some of these words come back to me and I'm reminded that I'm already happy how I am, pursuing happiness is just an illusion because we ARE already all we want, we are already happy.