View Full Version : antibiotics and BP

08-02-16, 19:57
brief synopsis, me and hubby seperated before xmas and i moved home to parents
suffered anxiety and depression 20+ years
got an ingrowing toenail and doc gave me antibiotics 7 days ago. when i was in town today getting things for the house in the chemist i did the self BP machine and it was 180/100 and 184/97 2nd time
as you can imagine i panicked immediately and had to get back to the safety of my home
my bp is usually around on a good dsy 134/82 so i dug my cuff machine out and 1 minute its 180/100 or there abouts then its 160/89 pulse has stayed 80-90bpm

ive become beside myself with worry and i was wondering if anyone knew if antibiotics (amoxicillin) an high BP were in any way a side effect
i will ring dr and chemist in the morning if its still like this as i refuse to use DR GOOGLE and petrify my self to death


Catherine S
08-02-16, 20:23
Hi Tia, If you're taking antibiotics i'm assuming your doc thinks there's infection in your toe and it would be this rather than the actual antibiotics causing a spike in your BP, as my own doctor did a blood test some years ago when my raised BP issue started because he said he wanted to rule out any infection that might be present, as the effort your immune system puts into fighting infection can raise your BP quite a lot.

Hope that helps.


08-02-16, 21:35
thank you for replying

i just thought it was strange as my toe has been like that for 1 and a bit years and within 3-4 days of the antibiotics it was through the roof, gave the machine to dad to hide lol

Catherine S
08-02-16, 22:35
Haha, I was the same when I first had my home monitor, but I rarely take readings these days to be honest, since I've lost the fear of my BP being raised. After never having high BP ever before, when It happened in 2007 for the first time (180 over 110) it freaked me out! It upset me so much and was convinced I was about to have a stroke, but I'm still here almost 9 years later and sometimes it can still be raised. I've never wanted to take meds for it, but if I have to in future I will.


09-02-16, 22:15
me either but my hubby (now seperated at xmas) had heart attack 3 months ago and during having it before ambulance arrived he had a cig
thats why i get paranoid as he wasnt like what u see on tv

Catherine S
09-02-16, 22:33
I know, it's never as dramatic in real life is it. Still scary though x

10-02-16, 22:12
went and had it checked with every intention to speak to chemist but it was 159/89 and i was so relieved that it had gone down i left lol, last day tomorrow of them anyway

12-02-16, 18:24
still not sure but it has deffinately started to come down since taking my last tablet this morning its now 155/82

also had toenail completely removed yesterday

12-02-16, 23:58
There are three things that may cause your BP to rise in your case:

1. Pain - is your toe/was it hurting you? Has it been red and swollen?
2. Anxiety - anxiety before and during the readings.
3. As said already, being unwell.

I wouldn't worry too much right now. It could be any one of those things or all three. I would wait until your toe has settled and see how things go after that. x