View Full Version : Scared I have a Brain Tumor again

09-02-16, 02:07
So 7 months ago I went through the worst period of anxiety I have ever been through. I ended up having a CT scan and a MRI both came back clear. A couple days ago I started getting this faint constant headache and yesterday I went to go pick up my W2s, while my wife was driving us home I was looking at my W2s and I looked up real quick and I felt like the room was spinning. Of course my mind went straight to brain cancer. I've been worrying like crazy I've been extremely nauseous and dizzy all day with a faint headache. Can a brain tumor grow within seven months?

09-02-16, 02:16
If I recall, you went through a pretty traumatic situation concerning your marriage. I guess you worked things out? You were cleared of physical issues so I would imagine this is more anxiety related. Did you seek some counseling?

Hope you feel better soon.

Positive thoughts

09-02-16, 02:31
I didnt I don't have health insurance I can't afford my Prozac so I've been off of that for about two months. I'm kinda in a sticky situation financially.

09-02-16, 17:14
Hi, I'm no expert but I really doubt a tumor could develop in just 7 months, especially if you were given the all clear earlier. Also, it's very common to get dizzy when looking up suddenly, turning your head quickly, etc. Your sinuses could be full, your eyes could be strained/not completely focused, or you could have benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), though I somewhat doubt the last one considering this only happened to you once. However I think the most likely thing is that your blood sugar was a bit low, possibly from not eating enough that day, and when you moved your head you got dizzy.

Headaches associated with brain tumors also usually happen every day, worse in the morning and then gradually get better as the day wears on. Headaches that happen later in the day are totally normal and usually have to do with stress, but again, it could be because of low blood sugar.

In fact, low blood sugar can cause; confusion, dizziness, feeling shaky, hunger, headaches, irratability, a racing heart, pale skin, sweating, trembling, weakness, and anxiety! What a whopper:ohmy:

Anyhow, I suggest you get some food in you, get a good nights sleep, if try to feel better over the next few days! This is not a brain tumor, I'm sure! :)