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View Full Version : Free Fluid in Pelvis!

09-02-16, 02:56

My GP found a cervical polyp on a routine PAP and sent me to a gynecologist to arrange for removal. Obviously this is driving me out of my mind but my PAP came back normal so I have calmed down a little. Saw my Gynecologist and she wasn't able to remove in the office because the base of the polyp is too broad so she wants me to go in for day surgery and do a hysteroscopy at the same time. I am waiting for my appointment March 7.

In the meantime I have been running myself around thinking what if they find something bad in there?! On top of fears of being under General Anaesthetic fears but would NOT have it awake either.

I have had Polycystic ovaries and irregular periods for as long as I remember and now I remember my last two ultrasounds (the most recent was 2 years ago to investigate pains in my right ovary). I remember that both my ultrasounds noted "minimal amount of free fluid" in the pelvis. Now I don't know why I am suddenly thinking about this but I think because of my upcoming procedure I am thinking of all things that may be wrong with me in the gynecological department.

Has anyone had this free fluid in pelvis? I stupidly googled and it says all kind of bad things. I am also quite sure I was not ovulating (havent had my period in a while when I went for scan) so what is it? The doctors never mentioned it so it probably isn't worth worrying about but now I am wondering what if they missed something?

Does anyone know what this free fluid is about and can it be normal if not from ovulation? I did have many many tiny follicular cysts on each ovary but they can't cause this can they? Help!

13-02-16, 01:58
Bump ... still worried and can't find answers :(

13-02-16, 19:37
There is a big difference between a small amount of free fluid in your abdomen and the medical condition ascites that is large amounts of fluid inbetween the peritoneal membranes. True ascites is a sign of serious disease but just having a little fluid free in your abdominal cavity they do not think is a cause for concern, especially if the scan was otherwise normal.

A Friend's sister has this recently on ultrasound and it was not caused by anything.

My cousin had proper ascites detected on ultrasound and this was flagged up instantly by radiographer as very serious and it was caused by cancer .

You can be totally reassured that your Dr/radiographer only mentioned it but did nothing about it.

Plus if you had just ovulated at the time of the previous scan then this could have been the reason for the fluid.

Hope this helps.

18-02-16, 22:13
Thanks Country Girl