View Full Version : Anxiety Causing Hunger?

28-02-07, 08:17
Hi all,
For the past few weeks, my appetite has been increasing..which i get the impression, is the opposite that usually happens with anxiety, when appetite is lost. If i do not eat for more than a few hours, i get intensely hungry...this is worse on waking after not eating during sleep.
I have recently had numerous blood tests done, including diabetes checks, all of which came back normal. I guess this then rules out a physical problem?
Does anybody else get hunger rather than appetite loss as a result of anxiety?




28-02-07, 08:50
I'm also hungry all the time and have had to give up crisps, (yes even pringles piglet) chocolate, biscuits, cake to stabilise my weight. With me I know it's the medication I'm on. Are you on any? Some of them do affect weight.

28-02-07, 09:00
Hi Jo,
Thankyou for the reply. I'm not on any medication at the moment. However i have started to eat much more healthily...lots of fruit and veg, which i didn't eat before. I am also drinking up to 3 litres of water a day. I wonder if the added fibre could be causing food to move through my system faster and account for the hunger because my stomach is emptying more quckly?

Kind regards,


28-02-07, 09:28
I'm also hungry all the time and have had to give up crisps, (yes even pringles piglet) chocolate, biscuits, cake to stabilise my weight.
:ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy:

When I first had anxiety and was acute I didn't eat at all and the weight just fell off me - that didn't last too long and I got back to normal.:D :mad:

Now I don't like to miss any meals because I have always felt really trembly when I don't eat and I'm hungry. Low blood sugar sorta feels like a panic attack coming, so I always have a banana in my bag (well that's my story anyway:o )!!

So in answer to your question, yes I do feel hungry alot of the time and I always think before I go out 'now do I need to eat', rather than 'do I need the toilet'.

Actually no come to think of it I ask both of the above and whole string of other questions like, 'have I locked the back door, have I turned the cooker off, have I got my rescue remedy, have I got my sunglasses' and most often I ask 'do I really want to go out at all'!!!!!!:rolleyes:


28-02-07, 09:49
What you don't check you've got your Pringles??? :D

CW, I completely lost my apetite at my worst. I really couldn't eat anything. I'd have a few bites but that was really forcing myself. However, i was very acute at that time. I lost a couple of stone.

With a more low level general anxiety I don't think it is surprising that you feel hungry all the time. Nervous energy is just that. Energy. You are using up reserves in the body much more quickly and so the hunger is your body telling you it wants extra nutrients to replace those that you are putting extra demands on.

With the lower level anxiety I used to crave bananas like they were going out of fashion. I would eat 5 or 6 a day. I then got alot hairier and was subsequently captured and put in a safari park with a group of chimps..........ok, I made the last bit up but I did go banana crazy. Still have 2 or 3 a day now and only go to the banana support group once a week!

Trev :D

28-02-07, 10:31
I have NEVER lost the urge to eat as a result of anxiety,the opposite,i was slim when it started and now i am obese.I eat for comfort maybe,i dont know??But i often wonderd if there were any others here that ate more due to the anxiety.I am trying now to eat healthily and lose some weight as it adds to the daily distress,keep an eye on the eating tho ,it soon creeps up on you:mad: the weight gain..yuk!Good luck with it any hoo mate!xxxxxxxxxxx

28-02-07, 10:42
I then got alot hairier and was subsequently captured and put in a safari park with a group of chimps..........ok, I made the last bit up Cheers,
Trev :D

Hmmmm are you sure you made that up - sounds quite real to me!!

Trouble is with pringles its hard to eat them quietly :mad: - whereas a banana you can just squash in your mouth and it all goes lovely and mushy and sticks in your teeth for later!! :D

I totally love bananas and how great that they come in their own wrapper!!

Piglet :)

28-02-07, 10:57
Hmmmm are you sure you made that up - sounds quite real to me!!
OK, you've rumbled me. I'm actually writing this from a tree with broadband located in the Sumatran jungle!! I've got alot hairier as you can see.............:ninja:

Nature is great isn't it? Supplying them with their own wrapper. Although, have you seen those "banana carriers"? Mmmm, I'm suspicious of that one!!! :p

28-02-07, 11:05
Trev we are not even gonna get into a discussion about those plastic banana carriers :ohmy: :mad: :D :D :D :D cos goodness only knows where that would end!!

Piglet laughs to herself and puts away all the marvellously vulgar stories for another time!:D


28-02-07, 11:17
Trev and Piglet - behave yourselves!!! I love bananas too and they are supposed to increase your level of trytophan or seretonin or something which makes you feel happy and relaxed - ah ha - that explains your behaviour!

I get even more anxious when I am over hungry - shaky and dizzy and faint so am eating every 3 hours which means I am stuck on my l4 stone weight (size 18) unfortunately!!!! Love wenjoy x

28-02-07, 12:06
LOL......"Plastic banana carrier" and "makes you feel happy and relaxed"............I'm not even gonna start on that one!!! It's best left there as you say Piglet!!! Better run before the park ranger tries to drag me out this tree.

28-02-07, 13:57
Hi all,
Thanks for the replies. Reassuring that increased appetite is not that unusual then.

I am a bit worried though, because i am also starting to crave bananas!! Trev, does this mean that i will eventually start to sprout hair and swing from trees??:eek: ....That normally only happens to me on a full moon! :dribble:

What are "banana carriers"??? Unlike Piglet and Trev, I have never even heard of them!

Thanks for the laughs guys....you have cheered me up!



28-02-07, 15:19
I am a bit worried though, because i am also starting to crave bananas!! Trev, does this mean that i will eventually start to sprout hair and swing from trees??:eek:
.........CW, you can only hope!! :D

It does seem to me that alot of people seem to crave bananas when they are stressed. There must be something in them I reckon that is particularly helpful at stressful times.

Banana carriers are a recent invention. It's basically a plastic banana shaped case for carrying your banana (funny enough :p ). Think of a lunch box just for bananas.

Seeing as this would appear to be a totally pointless invention it has obviously lead some of the more immature among us who would have obviously sat at the back of the class at school mucking about (mentioning no names!! :whistles:) to speculate that they may not just be for carrying bananas but may be for "other purposes" if you get my drift.

Glad you are feeling happier btw.


28-02-07, 15:41
:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

I'm not saying anything!!

Piglet x

28-02-07, 19:51
I always eat when I feel anxiety, now have 1 and half stone to loose which isnt easy to do. As for bananas how do you eat yours ?,lol.
I tend to break it into little bits and pop them into my mouth so I dont look like a chimp with banana in hand.

28-02-07, 20:14
Mirry hun there are several ways to eat a banana and it totally depends on the company - shall we leave it there lol!!:D :D :D :D

Piglet xx

28-02-07, 22:06
LOL :laugh:

I've regressed so far back down the evolutionary scale now that I can't work out how to get it out of my banana carrier so I don't know!! :p

28-02-07, 22:35
Right have something to add here!!!!

As a seasoned diabetic I can confirm that not eating means your blood sugar count is low!!!

When your blood sugar is low it mimics the symptoms of a panic attack eg shakey sweaty rapid pulse dizzy etc!!!

A quick fix is a cup of tea with 2 sugars in it or something sweet!!!

Luv Kaz x x x

28-02-07, 22:51
I'd agree - initially I couldn't eat and I lost about 1/2 stone in a fortnight, but since then I've gone the other way and I've gained a stone or more (which I really need to shift). I too eat very healthily, I'm kind of obsessive now about eating loads of fruit and veg, drinking water, not skipping meals, etc.

I crave banana's too - never used to eat them often, but now I have one most days. Don't have anything as fancy as a banana carrier though, they just get bashed about in my bag. I must get one.

Maybe someone should invent a banana/pringle carrier - one end for pringles and the other for the banana. Would probably have to be mini pringles though in order to fit. Maybe I'll take the idea to Dragons Den ...

28-02-07, 23:44
Hi Lass

have you seen the state of a bannana thats been in a handbag for a week????
All black and mushy lol

luv kaz x x x

01-03-07, 09:32
Maybe someone should invent a banana/pringle carrier - one end for pringles and the other for the banana. Would probably have to be mini pringles though in order to fit. Maybe I'll take the idea to Dragons Den ...:roflmao:

Now that I would like to see. :D :D

I'm sure Piglet would have a few off you. You could go in front of Duncan and the rest and say you've got a confirmed order for 3 banana/Pringle cariers and therefore you'd like them to give you 100K to develop your idea. Go for it!! I'm sure they will be keen. And don't let Piglet tell you it needs batteries!!!!!

01-03-07, 11:14
Trevor! :ohmy:

Now go over and sit on the naughty step for awhile till to you can play with the others nicely!!:mad:

I totally approve of the nana carrier (with or without batteries is fine :rolleyes: ) but I couldn't go on the dragons den. Sometimes when I want to frighten myself I watch it and hyperventilate almost immediately!!! I do however dream of a marvellous invention that they all totally approve of and are impressed by (this along with winning Wimbledon, X Factor, Stictly Dancing, Big Brother etc etc are my favourite dreams - I am always recieving flowers and bowing modestly)! :D

Love Piglet :)

01-03-07, 11:36
Oh, I agree, I couldn't really go on Dragon's Den. I'm all mouth! However, Trev seems to have quite a lot to say for himself, so I'm happy to patent my idea over to him :).

I have a completely loony friend who plays "Dragon's Den" with her husband when they are bored - they have 5 mins to run round the house and make an invention, then impress the other one with it! (Sounds rude - it's not!).

Winning the lottery would do for me - I could stay annonymous!

What a great post this is - I'm having a bad day and it's making me giggle.

01-03-07, 13:16
:redcard: I'll sit in the naughty tree for a bit.......let me know when I'm allowed back out to play with the other chimps again. :read:

I have a completely loony friend who plays "Dragon's Den" with her husband when they are bored - they have 5 mins to run round the house and make an invention, then impress the other one with it! :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
I like the sound of your friends.

I wouldn't mind going on Dragon's Den with a totally loony idea such as the Pringle / Banana carrier. You've only got to look like you know what you are doing and make half of it up!! I'd love to know how many of these "deals" actually go through once they've thrashed out the fine detail back stage.

01-03-07, 14:07
I have a completely loony friend who plays "Dragon's Den" with her husband when they are bored

Oh it's a 'friend' is it?? ;)

I have a friend who sucks the chocolate off rolos and sees how far she can spit the toffee part, and another friend who puts a pringle resting on her lips so it looks like a beige tongue, and another one who just eats the marmalade part off jaffa cakes and uses the sponge part to skim across water to see how many bounces she can achieve, and even yet another friend who dances on her patio with the squirrels to Barry White!! :D :D :D :D

So you see you are not the only one Lass with 'friends' - eh Trev?!! ;)

Piglet :D

01-03-07, 14:11
:blush: You've found me out.

01-03-07, 14:14
:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
Piglet xx

01-03-07, 15:23
I have a friend who sucks the chocolate off rolos and sees how far she can spit the toffee part, and another friend who puts a pringle resting on her lips so it looks like a beige tongue, and another one who just eats the marmalade part off jaffa cakes and uses the sponge part to skim across water to see how many bounces she can achieve, and even yet another friend who dances on her patio with the squirrels to Barry White!! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

:roflmao: You lot are weird. :wacko:

Am I allowed out of me naughty tree yet??!!! (cue jokes.......)

01-03-07, 15:38
Piglet allows Trev to come down out of the naughty tree and reasures the others that Trev doesn't always wear a leotard - sometimes he wears leggings too! :D :D :D

Actually leggings are very in this season so I may even wear them myself!!

Trev have I ever asked you how long you can stretch a curly whirly - eat the chocolate off first though or it all cracks off and falls on the floor. I once did this to a most astonshing length and my street cred at school went through the roof!! :yahoo:

Piglet x

01-03-07, 16:50
Trev have I ever asked you how long you can stretch a curly whirly
Strangely enough, no, you haven't!! Seems bizarre really as it's one of the first questions that would spring to mind really ;)

I did actually love doing that at school. Grab the Curly Wurly in you mouth and yank in with both hands almost pulling your teeth from their sockets!! Best way though was the slow burn. Give it a slow, gentle pressure until it was this long...........:emot-pinochio: and you needed longer arms. If only I'd started eating bananas then!!!! :D

I used to love Curly Wurly's. Do they still make them? Please say no as I'm just about getting over Cream Eggs!!!

01-03-07, 17:05
Hiya,Yes they do still make Curly Wurlys,i had one at chrimbo :) lol

I hae the same thing i have to eat regualer cos of Low Blood sugar and have put on 3 stone HATE IT!!

Some one mentioned medication can make you put weight on,I'm on Beta Blockers anyone know if they can make you pile the pounds,lol

01-03-07, 17:30
Not only do they still do curly wurly's, but you can buy them in bags now (my hubby says they are the broken bits that they sweep up off the floor at the end of the day). Coz they're small they can last even longer - although not so much fun with toffee stretching competitions.

Sorry Danuella, don't know if beta blockers pile on the weight, but I'm pretty sure curly wurly's do :)

01-03-07, 17:51
Oh curly wirlys are really only for stretching to impress people, not eating - try it at a bus stop sometime soon and you will be bound to make some new friends.

I wonder if beta blockers do make you put on weight - I'm sure someone will be along to answer that one soon!

Meanwhile cream eggs - yumeeeeee!! Although I am having a lovely time with walnut whips and they are almost health food cos of the walnut - I now eat the nut as opposed to flingin them over the nearest hedge like I used to do. There is a garden near me that must be filled with left over bits of sweets that I refuse to deal with.

Ian Derbyshire at school wouldn't kiss me once cos I had been eating blackjacks and had a completely black tongue :mad: I soon sorted him out :mad:

I so should be an inventor of confectionary - flying saucers could double up as earings for the summer and we all know that you can just lick a red smartie and use it for lipstick and the blue for eyeshadow don't we!!

Piglet :D

01-03-07, 21:59
Oh God, they still make them. :eek: Even if they are the swept up bits of mouse droppings, or whatever, I'm going to have to go and get a Curly Wurly now and do the stretchy thing!! Pleeeease don't let me!!! :w00t2:

Although I am having a lovely time with walnut whips and they are almost health food cos of the walnut - I now eat the nut as opposed to flingin them over the nearest hedge like I used to do.
:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
OMG. That's exactly what I used to do. I'd rip the walnut off and launch it as the rest was bliss but even the sight of the walnut made me want to vomit. I managed to give up walnut whips last year after a severe attack around Xmas.
And now I buy packets of walnuts with no whip!!!! It's just a cruel payback from the God of Walnut Whips and no mistake.
I'm getting fed up with this healthy eating lark with all this mention of rolos, curly wurlys, walnut whips, cream eggs and flying saucers.
You didn't have those jelly dummies with sugar on did you? They were also a classic for stretching to about a foot long :emot-pinochio:
And bags of what was basically yellow sugar!!
Slush Puppies and a searing pain in the top of your head as you cryogenically froze your brain.
Space Dust where your head felt like it was exploding.
Those were the days :D Gillian McKeith would have had a field day!
The more I look at it it's no wonder I started having panic attacks!

01-03-07, 22:47
Oh Trev lol at the yellow sugar/sherbert - it used to hurt your tongue after awhile didn't it. It did give the most fantastic yellow fingers from dipping into it though and that made me look like a hardened smoker at the grand old age of 9 - specially if I accompanied it with a candy cigarette and hung around on street corners looking menacing! :mad: :D

It's no coincindence that I now have a mouth full of fillings for my mis-spent youth - I only let my children have chocolate and they dont have a single filling!!!

Oh and my god do you remember that dust that exploded in your mouth :ohmy: now that could seriously set off a panic attack!!! How the hell was that pleasant - it almost knocked the few teeth you had left right out your head!!:ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy:

Oh those were the days!!!

Piglet xx

01-03-07, 23:24
Piglet and Trev you should go to www.aquaterof.co.uk (http://www.aquaterof.co.uk) it sells all the sweets that we forgot exists, i could spend a fortune on it lol

Have you ever fed space dust to a cat or a dog ??? it is so funny or is that just me and my sense of humour lol


Trac xxx

02-03-07, 02:06
Hi, Know just where you are coming from, When I get anxious (nearly all the time at the mo) I head straight for the biscuit/'cake tin. have tried the healthy options, but they dont work. For comfort I need chocolate or sugar. As I have had GAD for a long time you will relaise the svelt figure desirable by modern fashion has eluded me over the years. Thank God for Evans and Ann Harvey! :o

02-03-07, 10:02
Have you ever fed space dust to a cat or a dog ??? it is so funny or is that just me and my sense of humour lol

:laugh: My cat used to love space dust. He used to lick it out of our hand - then look all over the place to see where the noise was coming from. Makes me laugh even now when I think about it.

You can still get space dust - my kids had it at halloween. Tastes disgusting, I'm sure it never used to!

02-03-07, 10:48

Yes just went on there Trac and found the sherbert we all called Kali round my way - oh my mouth just dribbled at the sight of all these lovely things!!

May I ask missy what you were doing to be finding that sight???

Love Piglet xx

02-03-07, 11:44
Hi all,

this thread has cheered me up this morning:D Slush puppies and brain freeze hahaha.
As for beta blockers and weight gain - definately (my excuse anyways).

anx x

miss diagnosis
04-03-07, 13:41
thak god someone else said this!! i swear i thought i was mad cos everyone was saying they lost weight and i gained big time!!
Im on alow GI diet at the mo and i have to say its great. i feel much healthier and im heating properly, my moods are much better too

17-04-09, 17:40
I too am having very excrutiating chronic hunger pangs and I also have anxiety. All my doctors are saying that this doesn't make sense, because they say that if one is trying to escape a tiger (flight or fight) the body shouldn't be distracting and fatiguing you by sending false hunger sensations. Was wondering how your hunger is now? Did you see any changes in your hunger as your anxiety changed? Was there another cause?