View Full Version : Feeling incredible angry

09-02-16, 10:14
Hi guys. I am really reluctant to post this but I don't have any other choice. I am on 45mg of Mirtazipine. I have been on it for around 7 months but the last month I have been having very bad thoughts. For example, this week I had an appointment at a drug centre (used heroin for 15 years, 9 months clean now) and the man I saw kept asking why I used to use. I don't know. That's why I'm there to try and find out. There was a mug on the table and all I could think was how much I wanted to smash him in the face with it. I don't just mean I would like to. It was all I could do to stop myself doing it. I can't remember most of what he said as the concentration needed to just keep control of myself was huge. Even my friends annoy the hell out of me now. As a result I don't see anyone as I don't want to do something I might regret. Anyway, do you guys think this is just a phase or should I seek help?
Thanks for listening guys.

09-02-16, 10:21
Hiya Gprl and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

09-02-16, 21:23
hi, I have just joined the forum too.
I think i'd see the GP initially if you are feeling so bad

09-02-16, 21:41
Hey SeaShell, I did see the doctor this afternoon. she said she thinks it could be Serotonin Syndrome. I have tried to look it up but can't find much out about it. Thanks for your comment. I can't really talk to friends about this.

10-02-16, 17:09

I just joined today and have activated my account looking for info because I'm on 15mg of same drug after being Sectioned. I don't have the issues you describe, but have had the red mist up and down like a yoyo all day today,which is why I joined. Just a long way of saying, yeah, me too.

All I could find online was more or le
ss "breathe deeply" and "think of something you enjoy". Just saying you're not the only one...

11-02-16, 22:14
Hi BrigadoonBelle. Thanks for taking the time to send me a message. I hope you get through your tough time. I have found the people hear very nice, helpful people. They don't judge you.
How are you feeling today?

12-02-16, 08:43
Hi Gary

I'm back online, just to say the reason I didn't reply was down to the sheer swearword of the day in question.

I'm actually having a better day today, which both reassures and scares me at the same time.

I see that you've posted elsewhere, looking for a bit of support myself, if your post answers mine, it'll save a bit of bother.

If there's one thing about all of this, at least someone has some idea of what all of this is like

Take care


12-02-16, 09:22
Hi there. Glad you are feeling a bit better. No, this is the only website I have posted on. I did put the same post in the "introduce yourself" forum. Was that what you ment?
Have you ever been to anger management? People keep suggesting I go, but I think it would just annoy me. BTW that not supposed to be funny. It's what I think?
Do you have a job?

12-02-16, 11:44
Hi Gary

Just came back on here to tell you of something I'd been doing to relieve the aggressive feelings I had. Yeah, saw your Introduce Yourself bit, that's what I was referring to.

What I've done so far to relieve the red mist is...

Take bottles down to the bottle bank. You're literally smashing something, you're getting rid of something but in a safe way.

Walking really, really fast - to get away from here as quickly as I could. It helped the adrenalin rush and then got me so knackered I couldn't do anything else when I got back home.

Ripped up paper - the one in question had political tripe about the NHS - there's a Scottish Parliament election up here in May. I had several of these, they all got ripped up, whilst thinking to myself :curse: NHS!!!

There's the other thing, the Wumman thing. The one that gets women scrubbing the floor in sheer anger and frustration at life, the universe, and everything and everyone in it. There's 2 solutions in one here - you end up with a sparkling clean floor/tidy house and the aggression goes with the anger. Again, it's just doing something and focusing all the crud into that rather than the way you feel right now. Thumping the pillow. Screaming blue murder into the pillow.

None of the above is anything you'll find on any anger management website, but it sure as hell helped me with mine.

Take care of yourself